jQuery jTicker is a lightweight plugin that wants to solve the problem that arises when you have a very long text for a single line and you don't want to use another line, css ellipsis (...) or any other solution. Or, simply, you just like this text effect.
It uses CSS3 transitions to do it. For browser transition support see http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-transitions
Animation settings are:
- duration text animation duration. default: 50 seconds
- loop repeat text animation loop every X seconds. default: 1second
- effect css text transition effect. default: ease
Basic layout:
<div class="ticker"> <span><!-- put your text content here --></span> </div>
Custom layout (recomended):
<div class="ticker" data-duration="20" data-loop="2" data-effect="linear"> <span><!-- put your text content here --></span> </div>
Basic javascript initialization: