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Curvy Text is a configurable jQuery text animation plugin which animates the text character by character or word by word using CSS3 transforms and animations.




A text animation Jquery dependent plugin

This is a combination of lettering.js and textiallate.js. I've taken their code and removed the dependcies on each other, removed the optional "out effect" and combined it into 1 script. There is also no dependency on animate.css; you just add a @keyframes rule and then define a class with the animation-name and animation-duration property in your css file. The goal was to reduce the amount of http requests; especially if you're just animating a single element.


  • Define @keyframes rule and animation class
/* The animation code */ @keyframes rule-example {    0%   {     opacity: 0.5;     transform: rotateX(90deg)     }    100% {     opacity: 1;     transform: none    } }  /* The element to apply the animation to */ .target-element {    animation-name: rule-example;    animation-duration: 4s; }  
  • Add jquery and curvy-text.js files

  • Add the following function after scripts

           $('.target-element').curvy({ in : {                effect: 'animation-class'            }        });     
  • Options(these are default settings)

     delayScale: 1.5,      delay: 50,      sync: false,      reverse: false,      shuffle: false,       ##  Demo  

On a live site https://lalunainn.com

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