A jQuery 3D Image Slider Plugin ImpulseSlider is a 3D image slider jQuery plugin that takes advantage of the power of CSS3 transforms and jQuery.
- Graceful degradation for old browsers or mobile
- Different sample navs
- Respond to keyboard keys
- API for events
- Responsive features
- Different transition effects
- WordPress plugin
v0.4: October 21, 2013
- Added methods to the API for rotation, pause and resize of the container:
- rotateRight()
- rotateLeft()
- pause()
- resize()
- Touch Swipe support
v0.3: August 30, 2013
- Triangular, rectangular, pentagonal and hexagonal prism shapes are now supported
- Introduced following parameters: depth, images, imageDivClasses, degreesRotation
v0.2: July 19, 2013
- Fixed problem with rotations when the window is not visible
- Added pause button feature
- Support for triangular prism
- Fixed issue with timer rotation not being cancelled when the user rotates manually
v0.1: July 04, 2013
- First version