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QueueSlider is a compact jQuery image slider plugin that supports sliding multiple images with different widths at a time, and has the ability to highlight the centered image by using fade opacity.



QueueSlider v1.2.5

QueueSlider is another jQuery slider plugin for variable width images.


Download the production version or the development version.

Default Settings Object

{   mode: 'horizontal',     // Use horizontal or fade   alignMode: 'center',    // Use center, left, or right to align the slider   delay: 0,               // Delay the start of slider   fade: 0.3,              // Opacity of images not being viewed, use -1 to disable   transitionSpeed: 700,   // fade and slide transition speed in milliseconds   speed: 7000,            // auto-play speed in milliseconds, use 0 to disable   direction: 1,           // 1 for auto-play forward, -1 for auto-play in reverse   offScreen: false,       // Set to true for a full screen slider   autoHeight: false,      // Adjust slider height for each slide   touchEnabled: true,     // Allow touch interaction with the slider   swipeThreshold: 50,     // Amount of pixels a touch swipe needs to exceed in order to slide   buttons: true,          // Enable Previous/Next buttons   keyboardButtons: true,  // Enable keyboard right/left buttons to advance slides   previous: 'Previous',   // Previous button text   next: 'Next'            // Next button text }

Public Functions

First, initialize and save the QueueSlider to a variable.

var $slider = $('.queueslider').queueSlider({   speed: 2000,   buttons: false });


Get the state of the QueueSlider. Available options are:

  • initialized (boolean)
  • playing (boolean)
  • busy (boolean)
  • count (number)
  • index (object)
  • index.active (number)
  • index.previous (number)
  • viewport (object)
  • viewport.width (number)


Pause the slider.



Go to the next slide.



Go to the previous slide.



Go to a specific slide index (zero-based).



Destroy the slider.



Rebuild the slider. Optionally, pass in a new settings object.

$slider.data('queueslider').rebuild({direction: -1});



Triggered before the slider starts the transition to the new slide.

$slider.bind('slideStart', function(e, index) {   console.log(e); // The event object.   console.log(index); // The index of the new slide. });


Triggered after the slider transitions to the new slide.

$slider.bind('slideEnd', function(e, index) {   console.log(e); // The event object.   console.log(index); // The index of the new slide. });

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome (latest version)
  • Internet Explorer (6+)
  • Firefox (latest version)
  • Safari (latest version)


  • 11.28.14 - v1.2.5 - 6.526kb
    • Add pause() public function.
  • 11.15.14 - v1.2.4 - 6.484kb
    • Fix busy state and slide position reset
  • 10.12.14 - v1.2.3 - 6.435kb
    • Fix scope issues
  • 10.12.14 - v1.2.2 - 6.408kb
    • Add left/right arrow keyboard support
  • 05.09.14 - v1.2.1 - 6.226kb
    • Use Semantic Versioning and submit to jQuery Plugin Registry
  • 02.26.14 - v1.2.0 - 5.377kb
    • Public functions, events, and cleaned up code
  • 01.29.14 - v1.1.0 - 3.371kb
    • Added touch support
  • 08.19.11 - v1.0.0 - 2.183kb
    • Initial release


Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php


Daniel Korte
Web Developer
TOKY Branding + Design
Saint Louis, MO


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