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Listy is a jQuery plugin which aim to facilitate developer making lists browsable through keyboard.




I'm a tiny jQuery plugin which aim to facilitate developer making lists browsable through keyboard.

I just do the list stuff and let the developer do whatever he wants to do when user selects anything in the list.

Demo: http://lou.github.io/listy/



  <ul class='listy'>     <li>elem 1</li>     <li>elem 2</li>   </ul>


  $('.listy').listy({     actions: {       select: {         method: function(elem){           elem.addClass('select');         },         keys: [13, 32],         events: 'click dblclik'       }     }   });


  ul{     position: relative;     overflow-y: auto;     height: 200px;   }


actions: Object where you can define actions you want to fire when specified keys and/or events are triggered. You can define as many actions as you want.


  actions: {     // the following method will be fire     // when user click/dblclick on elem     // or press keys 13,32 (space, enter)     yourCustomMethod: {       method: function(elem){         elem.doSomethingCool();       },       keys: [13, 32],       events: 'click dblclick'     }   }
  • upKeys: keys code for the up action (default: [38] | type: Array)
  • downKeys: keys code for the down action (default: [40] | type: Array)
  • inactive: jQuery selector for the non-selectable items (default: '.muted' | type: String)
  • element: jQuery selector for the items (default: 'li' | type: String)

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