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This jQuery plugin allow you to easily add a sharebox (list of social buttons) on your website.




This jQuery plugin allow you to easily add a sharebox (list of social buttons) on your website.



Simply load jQuery and the provided files from the right place:

<!-- jQuery --> <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>  <!-- jquery.sharebox --> <script src="path/to/jquery.sharebox.min.js"></script> <link href="path/to/jquery.sharebox.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Note: The optional jquery.sharebox.icons.css stylesheet contains all icons in the data URI scheme.


jquery.sharebox will automatically load any .sharebox elements:

<!-- .sharebox elements are automatically loaded --> <div class="sharebox"></div>

Off course, you can also initialize jquery.sharebox with the element you want:

<div id="my-sharebox"></div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { 	jQuery("#my-sharebox").sharebox(); }); </script>



jquery.sharebox accepts the following options:

Name Description Default value
url The URL to share URL of the document
title The name of the element to share Title of the document
services The services you want to use * facebook twitter google+

* Separated by space

The HTML way

With jquery.sharebox, you can easily set options using HTML5 custom data attributes.

<!-- .sharebox elements are automatically loaded --> <div class="sharebox"      data-url="http://www.example.com/"      data-title="My awesome title"      data-services="facebook twitter google+ print"      ></div>

The javascript way

The jquery.sharebox plugin allows you to set options by passing an object on initialization:

<div id="my-sharebox"></div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { 	jQuery("#my-sharebox").sharebox({ 		url      : "http://www.example.com/", 		title    : "My awesome title", 		services : "facebook twitter google+ print" 	}); }); </script>


By default, jquery.sharebox includes the following services :


Simply do what the fuck you want.

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