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A React Native Popup Dialog Easy Use & Support Custom Animation. For iOS & Android.

Modal_Popup React Native


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React Native Popup Dialog

React Native Popup Dialog for iOS & Android.

Another similar dialog component: react-native-dialog-component the main difference is style.

Pull request are welcomed. Please follow Airbnb JS Style Guide

How to thank me ?

Just click on ⭐️ button 😘

Try it with Exponent



Has a lot of backward incompatible changes in v0.16.0. Please, Read the Docs before upgrading to v0.16.0


npm install --save react-native-popup-dialog # OR yarn add react-native-popup-dialog 

Exposed Modules

  • Dialog
  • Overlay
  • DialogButton
  • DialogContent
  • DialogTitle
  • DialogFooter
  • Animation
  • FadeAnimation
  • ScaleAnimation
  • SlideAnimation
  • DialogProps
  • DialogFooterProps
  • DialogButtonProps
  • DialogTitleProps
  • DialogContentProps
  • OverlayProps



Basic Usage

import Dialog, { DialogContent } from 'react-native-popup-dialog'; import { Button } from 'react-native'  <View style={styles.container}>   <Button     title="Show Dialog"     onPress={() => {       this.setState({ visible: true });     }}   />   <Dialog     visible={this.state.visible}     onTouchOutside={() => {       this.setState({ visible: false });     }}   >     <DialogContent>       {...}     </DialogContent>   </Dialog> </View>

Usage - Animation

import Dialog, { SlideAnimation, DialogContent } from 'react-native-popup-dialog';  <View style={styles.container}>   <Dialog     visible={this.state.visible}     dialogAnimation={new SlideAnimation({       slideFrom: 'bottom',     })}   >     <DialogContent>       {...}     </DialogContent>   </Dialog> </View>

Usage - Dialog Dialog Title

import Dialog, { DialogTitle, DialogContent } from 'react-native-popup-dialog';  <View style={styles.container}>   <Dialog     visible={this.state.visible}     dialogTitle={<DialogTitle title="Dialog Title" />}   >     <DialogContent>       {...}     </DialogContent>   </Dialog> </View>

Usage - Dialog Action

import Dialog, { DialogFooter, DialogButton, DialogContent } from 'react-native-popup-dialog';  <View style={styles.container}>   <Dialog     visible={this.state.visible}     footer={       <DialogFooter>         <DialogButton           text="CANCEL"           onPress={() => {}}         />         <DialogButton           text="OK"           onPress={() => {}}         />       </DialogFooter>     }   >     <DialogContent>       {...}     </DialogContent>   </Dialog> </View>



Prop Type Default Note
visible boolean false
rounded boolean true
useNativeDriver boolean true
children any
dialogTitle? React Element You can pass a DialogTitle component or pass a View for customizing titlebar
width? Number Your device width The Width of Dialog, you can use fixed width or use percentage. For example 0.5 it means 50%
height? Number 300 The Height of Dialog, you can use fixed height or use percentage. For example 0.5 it means 50%
dialogAnimation? FadeAnimation animation for dialog
dialogStyle? any
containerStyle? any null For example: { zIndex: 10, elevation: 10 }
animationDuration? Number 200
overlayPointerEvents? String Available option: auto, none
overlayBackgroundColor? String #000
overlayOpacity? Number 0.5
hasOverlay? Boolean true
onShow? Function You can pass shown function as a callback function, will call the function when dialog shown
onDismiss? Function You can pass onDismiss function as a callback function, will call the function when dialog dismissed
onTouchOutside? Function () => {}
onHardwareBackPress? Function () => true Handle hardware button presses
footer? React Element null for example: <View><Button text="DISMISS" align="center" onPress={() => {}}/></View>


Prop Type Default Note
title String
style? any null
textStyle? any null
align? String center Available option: left, center, right
hasTitleBar? Bool true


Prop Type Default Note
children any
style? any null


Prop Type Default Note
children DialogButton
bordered? Boolean true
style? any null


Prop Type Default Note
text String
onPress Function
align? String center Available option: left, center, right
style? any null
textStyle? any null
activeOpacity? Number 0.6
disabled? Boolean false
bordered? Boolean false


Prop Type Default Note
visible Boolean
opacity Number 0.5
onPress? Function
backgroundColor? string #000
animationDuration? Number 200
pointerEvents? String null Available option: auto, none
useNativeDriver? Boolean true


Params for (*)Animation



new FadeAnimation({   initialValue: 0, // optional   animationDuration: 150, // optional   useNativeDriver: true, // optional })
Param Type Default Note
initialValue Number 0
animationDuration? Number 150
useNativeDriver? Boolean true



new ScaleAnimation({   initialValue: 0, // optional   useNativeDriver: true, // optional })
Param Type Default Note
initialValue Number 0
useNativeDriver Boolean true



new SlideAnimation({   initialValue: 0, // optional   slideFrom: 'bottom', // optional   useNativeDriver: true, // optional })
Param Type Default Note
initialValue Number 0
slideFrom String bottom Available option: top, bottom, left, right
useNativeDriver Boolean true

Create your custom animation

import { Animated } from 'react-native'; import { Animation } from 'react-native-popup-dialog';  class CustomAnimation extends Animation {   in(onFinished) {     Animated.spring(this.animate, {       toValue: 1,       useNativeDriver: this.useNativeDriver,     }).start(onFinished);   }    out(onFinished) {     Animated.spring(this.animate, {       toValue: 0,       useNativeDriver: this.useNativeDriver,     }).start(onFinished);   }    getAnimations() {     return {       transform: [{         translateY: this.animate.interpolate({           inputRange: [0, 1],           outputRange: [800, 1],         }),       }],     };   } }



yarn run build

yarn test

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