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This component will fade in/out an overlay and will pop in a modal with a cancel button.

Modal_Popup React Native


React Native custom action sheet

What is this?

This component will fade in/out an overlay and will pop in a modal with a cancel button. You can pass any view that you want to the component and it will be shown in the modal. In the example below I am passing a date picker.


npm install react-native-custom-action-sheet --save

Usage example

var CustomActionSheet = require('react-native-custom-action-sheet');  var SomeComponent = React.createClass({   render: function() {     return (       <View>         <CustomActionSheet modalVisible={this.state.modalVisible} onCancel={this.toggleModal}>           <View style={styles.datePickerContainer}>             <DatePickerIOS mode={"date"} date={@state.dateForPicker} onDateChange={@dateChanged} />           </View>         </CustomActionSheet>       </View>     );   } });

Component props

  • modalVisible (Boolean) - Decide if the component should be visible or not.
  • onCancel (Function) - Function to run when the cancel button/background has been pressed.
  • buttonText (String) - The text of the onCancel button. Defaults to Cancel.
  • backgroundColor (String) - The color of the fade-in effect background. Defaults to 'black'.


Feel free to open an issue on github, send suggestions, fork this repository or contact me at [email protected]

This package was developed during my work at Samanage.

Thanks and Enjoy! :)

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