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It’s a Modal-dialog React component based on Modal in react-bootstrap.

Modal_Popup React


React Bootstrap Dialog

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The React component library for alert or dialog based on react-bootstrap's <Modal />. Configurable and easy to use alternative for window.alert, window.confirm, or window.prompt in your React application.


You can use with react-bootstrap v3 or v4. (v4 since react-bootstrap-dialog v0.11.0)



Default Alert Default Dialog
Alternative for window.alert Alternative for window.confirm
https://gyazo.com/84e315aca42ac4dbe39e51ce3451bb53 https://gyazo.com/f8e8bfd41d9c652a55ed06a0828dc57e
Text Prompt Password Prompt
Alternative for window.prompt Easy password input
https://gyazo.com/e621e62d17037ab0d1e40fda721ecbb2 https://gyazo.com/b249233c97a4519f565a6885902befc3

Demo and Sample



npm i react-bootstrap-dialog --save


yarn add react-bootstrap-dialog

Quick start

Step 1. Import package.

import Dialog from 'react-bootstrap-dialog'

Step 2. Write jsx in render method.

<Dialog ref={(el) => { this.dialog = el }} />

Step 3. Call showAlert method or show method.

this.dialog.showAlert('Hello Dialog!')

Full sample:

import React from 'react' import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap' import Dialog from 'react-bootstrap-dialog'  export default class SampleCode extends React.Component {   constructor () {     super()     this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this)   }    onClick () {     this.dialog.showAlert('Hello Dialog!')   }    render () {     return (       <div>         <Button onClick={this.onClick}>Show alert</Button>         <Dialog ref={(component) => { this.dialog = component }} />       </div>     )   } } 





Set default options for applying to all dialogs

  • options: [Object] The parameters for default options.
    • defaultOkLabel: [String, Node] The default label for OK button. Default is 'OK'.
    • defaultCancelLabel: [String, Node] The default label for Cancel button. Default is 'Cancel'.
    • primaryClassName: [String] The class name for primary button. Default is 'btn-primary'
    • defaultButtonClassName: [String] The class name for ordinary button. Default is 'btn-default btn-outline-secondary'
      • Notice: The default value includes v3 and v4 classes.
Dialog.setOptions({   defaultOkLabel: 'Yes! Yes! Yes!',   defaultCancelLabel: 'Noooooooo!!',   primaryClassName: 'btn-success',   defaultButtonClassName: 'btn-link' })


Reset default options to presets.


<Dialog />


Show dialog with choices. This is similar to window.confirm.

  • options: [Object] The parameters for options.
    • title: [String, Node] The title of dialog.
    • body: [String, Node] The body of message.
    • actions: [Array[DialogAction]] The choices for presenting to user. See DialogAction generators.
    • bsSize: [String] The width size for dialog.
      • with react-bootstrap v3: You can choose from [null, 'medium', 'large', 'small'].
      • with react-bootstrap v4: You can choose from [null, 'medium', 'lg', 'sm'].
    • onHide: [Function] The method to call when the dialog was closed by clicking background.
    • prompt: [DialogPrompt] The prompt to get user input. See DialogPrompt generators.
this.dialog.show({   title: 'Greedings',   body: 'How are you?',   actions: [     Dialog.CancelAction(),     Dialog.OKAction()   ],   bsSize: 'small',   onHide: (dialog) => {     dialog.hide()     console.log('closed by clicking background.')   } })

showAlert(body, bsSize = undefined)

Show message dialog This is similar to window.alert.

  • body: [String, Node] The body of message.
  • bsSize: [String] The width size for dialog. You can choose in [null, 'medium', 'large', 'small'].
this.dialog.showAlert('Hello world!')


Hide this dialog.


DialogAction generators

Dialog.Action(label, func, className)

The customized choice for options.actions in dialog.show.

  • label: [String, Node] The label for the button.
  • func: [Function] The method to call when the button is clicked.
  • className: The class name for the button.
Dialog.Action(   'Hello',   () => console.log('Hello!'),   'btn-info' )

Dialog.DefaultAction(label, func, className)

The default choice for options.actions in dialog.show.

  • label: [String, Node] The label for the button.
  • func: [Function] The method to call when the button is clicked.
  • className: The class name for the button. (Default is 'btn-primary')
Dialog.DefaultAction(   'Remove',   () => {     console.log('Remove action will be executed!')   },   'btn-danger' )


The OK choice for options.actions in dialog.show. It uses default ok label ('OK') and default primary class ('btn-primary').

  • func: [Function] The method to call when the button is clicked.
Dialog.OKAction(() => {   console.log('OK was clicked!') })


The Cancel choice for options.actions in dialog.show. It uses default cancel label ('Cancel').

  • func: [Function] The method to call when the button is clicked.
Example 1
Dialog.CancelAction(() => {   console.log('Cancel was clicked!') })
Example 2
// Do nothing. Dialog.CancelAction()

DialogPrompt generators

Dialog.TextPrompt(options = {})

The prompt settings to show text input for options.prompt in dialog.show.

  • options: [Object] The parameters for options.
    • initialValue: [String] The initial value for the prompt.
    • placeholder: [String] The placeholder for the prompt.
Dialog.TextPrompt()  // or  Dialog.TextPrompt({initialValue: '[email protected]', placeholder: 'your email'})

Dialog.PasswordPrompt(options = {})

The prompt settings to show password input for options.prompt in dialog.show.

  • options: [Object] The parameters for options.
    • initialValue: [String] The initial value for the prompt.
    • placeholder: [String] The placeholder for the prompt.
Dialog.PasswordPrompt()  // or  Dialog.PasswordPrompt({initialValue: 'previous~pa$sw0rd', placeholder: 'your password'})

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