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A React Native library to display a modal popup quick actions menu by long press.

Modal_Popup React Native


Circle Quick Actions

React Native library to display a modal popup quick actions menu by long press.



First, download the library from npm:

npm install rn-circle-quick-actions --save 


import CircleQuickActions from 'rn-circle-quick-actions'  // Max items is 4 const items = [   {     image: require('some_image'),     imageActive: require('some_image_activated'),     handler: () => {       alert('First action')     }   },   {     image: require('some_image'),     imageActive: require('some_image_activated'),     handler: () => {       alert('Second action')     }   } ]  const QuickActionView () => (   <CircleQuickActions     onPress={() => alert('It is a normal press')}     items={items}   >     <Image       style={{ width: 320, height: 200 }}       source={{ uri: 'YOUR_IMAGE_URL' }}     />   </CircleQuickActions> ); 

Usage: With FlatList or scrollable view

We provided some lifecycle methods (shouldEnable, willOpen, didOpen, didClose) to enable more control your scroll view.

This is an example with Flatlist. We need to control scroll enabled to use pan gesture.

export default class App extends Component {    setScrollEnabled = (isEnabled) => {     if (this.list) {       this.list.getScrollResponder().setNativeProps({ scrollEnabled: isEnabled })     }   }    renderListItem = ({ item }) => {     return (       <CircleQuickAction         onPress={() => alert('On press')}         // shouldEnable={(e) => shouldEnable(e)}         willOpen={() => this.setScrollEnabled(false)}         // didOpen={() => onDidOpenMenu()}         didClose={() => this.setScrollEnabled(true)}         items={items}       >         <Image           source={item.image}           style={{ width: 320, height: 300 }}         />       </CircleQuickAction>     )   }    render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <FlatList           ref={list => this.list = list}           style={{ flex: 1 }}           data={data}           keyExtractor={(item) => item.id}           renderItem={this.renderListItem}         />       </View>     );   } } 

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