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A simple yet customizable alert popup component for React Native.

Modal_Popup React Native



React Native Awesome Alerts

Demo (Watch it on YouTube)

alt text

Getting Started


$ npm i react-native-awesome-alerts --save

Basic Usage

import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';  import AwesomeAlert from 'react-native-awesome-alerts';  export default class App extends React.Component {    constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = { showAlert: false };   };    showAlert = () => {     this.setState({       showAlert: true     });   };    hideAlert = () => {     this.setState({       showAlert: false     });   };    render() {     const {showAlert} = this.state;      return (       <View style={styles.container}>          <Text>I'm AwesomeAlert</Text>         <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {           this.showAlert();         }}>           <View style={styles.button}>             <Text style={styles.text}>Try me!</Text>           </View>         </TouchableOpacity>          <AwesomeAlert           show={showAlert}           showProgress={false}           title="AwesomeAlert"           message="I have a message for you!"           closeOnTouchOutside={true}           closeOnHardwareBackPress={false}           showCancelButton={true}           showConfirmButton={true}           cancelText="No, cancel"           confirmText="Yes, delete it"           confirmButtonColor="#DD6B55"           onCancelPressed={() => {             this.hideAlert();           }}           onConfirmPressed={() => {             this.hideAlert();           }}         />       </View>     );   }; };  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     alignItems: 'center',     justifyContent: 'center',     backgroundColor: '#fff',   },   button: {     margin: 10,     paddingHorizontal: 10,     paddingVertical: 7,     borderRadius: 5,     backgroundColor: "#AEDEF4",   },   text: {     color: '#fff',     fontSize: 15   } }); 

alt text



Prop Type Description Default
show boolean Show / Hide awesome alert false
showProgress boolean Show / Hide progress bar false
title string Title text to display hidden
message string Message text to display hidden
closeOnTouchOutside bool Dismiss alert on clicking outside true
closeOnHardwareBackPress bool Dismiss alert on hardware back press (android) true
showCancelButton bool Show a cancel button false
showConfirmButton bool Show a confirmation button false
cancelText string Cancel button text Cancel
confirmText string Confirm button text Confirm
onCancelPressed func Action to perform when Cancel is pressed -
onConfirmPressed func Action to perform when Confirm is pressed -
onDismiss func Callback for when alert is dismissed -
customView object Custom view to render inside alert null


Prop Type Description Default
alertContainerStyle object Alert parent container style -
overlayStyle object Overlay style -
progressSize string Size of activity indicator -
progressColor string Color of activity indicator -
contentContainerStyle object Alert popup style -
titleStyle object Title style -
messageStyle object Message style -
cancelButtonColor string Background color #D0D0D0
confirmButtonColor string Background color #AEDEF4
cancelButtonStyle object Cancel button style -
cancelButtonTextStyle object Cancel button text style -
confirmButtonStyle object Confirm button style -
confirmButtonTextStyle object Confirm button text style -



Pedant: sweet-alert-dialog (Github)


Feel free to Contact me or Create an issue


Released under the Mit License

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