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<ReactPinboard> is a component for responsive Pinterest-style layouts. Pass in any number of children to see them rendered in equally-weighted, dynamic columns.


  • cols: Can be a static number like 3 or an array of media objects, e.g.:

    [   { media: '(max-width: 1000px)', cols: 4 },   { media: '(max-width: 500px)', cols: 3 },   { media: '', cols: 2 } ] 

    The first-matching media query will be used, and the columns will be adjusted in real-time as the browser squishes and stretches.

  • spacing: The vertical and horizontal space between columns and children. Can be any CSS length value, e.g. 2em, 15px, 3vh.


Download on npm: npm install react-pinboard

Sample usage:

const ReactPinboard = require('react-pinboard');  const cols = [   { media: '(max-width: 1000px)', cols: 4 },   { media: '(max-width: 500px)', cols: 3 },   { media: '', cols: 2 } ];  ReactDOM.render(   <ReactPinboard cols={cols} spacing="2em">     <img src="..." />     <div>       <h3>Heading</h3>       <p>...</p>     </div>     <SomeOtherReactComponent />     ...   </ReactPinboard>,   document.querySelector('pinboard-container'); ); 


  • Accepts any child types. You can even mix and match images, text, and other rich components, to create a pinboard that's truly customized.

  • Child order is preserved. The children will appear in the pinboard in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order. This means that if your children have an obvious numeric order, you don't need to worry about adjacent children being spread way across from each other.

  • Auto-weighted columns. ReactPinboard is economical — it takes up as little vertical space as possible by ensuring that the columns are filled as close to equal-weigh as possible (while maintaining child order).

  • Safe for server-rendering. The server can't measure viewport size, so it assumes a "mobile-first" approach and determines column number from the last value of the cols array. The server-render also doesn't know the rendered child heights for column weighting, so it equally-weights the columns. This is naive, but hopefully close enough to the re-layout on mount that it still feels fast for your end users.


Here's a few places you can see react-pinboard in the wild:

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