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102 JQuery Resize Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Resize Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 102 JQuery Resize Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Resize Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Resize Plugins.

Scales up (or down) text so it fits perfectly to its parent container.Ideal for flexible and responsive websites.Features:No dependenciesEasy setupOptimal performance by grouping DOM read and write operationsWorks with WebFonts (s.....
Core Java Script Responsive Text Effect

Masonry Hybrid is a multi columns layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically then horizontally accord.....
Gallery Plugins Responsive

A jQuery plugin that adds the “resize” event to all elements. Have you ever wanted to listen for a resize event on an element other than window? This plugin listens for a resize event on any element and then triggers t.....
Events Plugins

jQuery-select-areas is a jQuery plugin that let you select multiple areas of an image, move them and resize them. .....
Image Effects Plugins

Javascript library for efficiently scaling HTML5 videos with CSS classes. .....
Core Java Script HTML5 Responsive Video_Audio

Resize and Crop Images is very useful and important technique to save space and bandwidth and it also decrease page execution time and load your webpage much faster.Crop the image when you want to a particluar part of an image to .....

The plugin does not use any kind of timer(s) to detect size changes. It uses the resize event on (invincible) iframe(s) which makes it perform much better than other solutions which use timers to poll element size. The script dete.....
Events Plugins

This library enables the automatic resizing of the height and width of both same and cross domain iFrames to fit the contained content. It provides a range of features to address the most common issues with using iFrames, these in.....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery plugin that allows for window resize-end event handling. .....
Events Plugins

Today I am presenting the most important social networking feature called ajax upload and resize an image without refreshing the page using jquery and PHP. This tutorial a continuation of my previous post, I just included image re.....
Ajax PHP

A jQuery plugin to resize number (ranged) inputs based on length of characters.Tired of BORING number inputs that are hard to see when the numbers are too long? Tired of numbers that are too small inside the box? Add some POWER to.....
Forms Plugins

Simple & hassle-free image resize & crop based on a pseudo-viewport. Touch-friendly via touch-punch.No special requirements for use, by default it modifies the behaviour of each image tag it finds. .....
Image Effects Plugins

jQuery.creaseFont is a Plugin for jQuery to resize the Font on the whole Page or only in some Elements. .....
Plugins Text Effect

A tiny plugin to handle events after a (window) resize has been completed. .....
Events Plugins Web

Equalize column heights across multiple rows.Features:Equalize column heights across multiple rows.Resize column heights when the page is resized. Can be disabled for fixed width layouts.Choose between height (default), outer heig.....

FlowType.JS is a jQuery plugin which can auto-resize the font-size and line-height (according to the width of the element wrapping it) so that our content is displayed just as we prefer. The plugin has options for setting the min/.....
Plugins Text Effect

bgStretcher (Background Stretcher) is a jQuery plugin for stretching one or more images proportionally across an entire page or element. When multiple images are supplied, bgStretcher displays them in a configurable slideshow with.....
Plugins Premium Responsive Slider

jQuery-Fakecrop Plugin takes a collection of images and automatically scale them to fit a custom-defined bounding box. This creates a “fake” cropping effect on those images; which produces convincing thumbnails. .....
Image Effects Plugins

canvasResize is a plugin for client side image resizing.It’s compatible with iOS6 and Android 2.3+ It can work both with jQuery and Zepto.I fixed iOS6 Safari’s image file rendering issue for large size image (over mega.....
Image Effects Plugins

Backstretch a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page.It will stretch any image to fit the page, and will automatically resize as the window size changes.Images are fetched af.....
Plugins Web

Anystretch is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page or block level element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window size chang.....
Plugins Web

scaleMe is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily resize and center an image on the page proportional to its original dimensions based on the size of a parent element. Support various options, and callback functions. Works well.....

jqDnR is a lightweight plugin for jQuery that lets you drag, drop, and resize elements. jqDnR provides the all the basic elastic functionality most dialogs will need. Basic and simple and easy to use.Features:Drag + Drop Element P.....
Drag_Drop Plugins Web

colResizable is a jQuery plugin designed to enhance any kind of HTML table object adding column resizing features by dragging column anchors manually. It is tiny in size (2.8kb) and it doesn´t require any other library dependenci.....
Drag_Drop Plugins Tables

The idea of this plugin is very simple: you click on the text size you want, and a class is added to the body to indicate which size the user has selected. Then, it will take advantage of that body class when you are writing yo.....
CSS Plugins Web

Question answered on Stackoverflow. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30713060/google-maps-api-re-size#30713418 .....
Google Map

Cropzee is an easy, lightweight jQuery image cropper which enables the user to resize, rotate, and crop an image for further use......

A simple and lightweight jQuery resizer plugin for handling custom resizing of DOM elements within the document......

Clayfy is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin which enables draggable, resizable and sortable functionalities on DOM elements......
Resize Sort Drag

A dead simple yet fully configurable jQuery textarea resize plugin which makes the textarea element to grow vertically with its content while typing......
Resize Textarea

mosaico-cropper is a user-friendly and touch-enabled inline image cropper tool which enables you to crop, resize, zoom, pan an image with support for back-end processing......

Image Scale is a useful yet easy jQuery plugin that automatically scales(enlarge/shrink/crop) and aligns your image to fit within its parent container with many scale and alignment options......

ResizableColumns is an ultra-light weight jQuery plugin which allows the user to resize columns in an HTML table using mouse drag......

TextTailor.js is a jQuery plugin designed for responsive web layout that automatically resizes font size to make your text fit within its parent container......
text-resize responsive-text

Autobox is a lightweight jQuery textarea resize plugin which automatically adjusts the height and width of the regular textarea element to match its content while typing......
Resize Textarea

fontConvertRatio is a dead simple and extremely lightweight jQuery plugin to convert the font size of your text within a specified container......
font-size text-resize

The jQuery jbility plugin provides several useful accessibility functionalities to make your webpage more human-readable across the devices......
accessibility font-size text-resize

textAdjust is a small yet customizable jQuery auto grow plugin for textarea element that automatically adjusts the height of your textarea to fit the content while typing......
Resize Textarea

FancyTextFill is a responsive and high-performance jQuery text resizing plugin that automatically increases and shrinks the font size of your text to fit its container......
text-resize responsive-text

imageResizer is a lightweight, easy-to-use image cropper & resizer plugin based on jQuery and HTML5 canvas element......

EasyView is a small jQuery font accessibility plugin to help resizing fonts and change contrast for better viewing content......
text-resize font-size

sameSize.js is a jQuery plugin that automatically scales, shrinks, crops and re-aligns images to fit within their parent containers......
Resize responsive-image

A Cross-browser resize element plugin that provides custom resize jQuery event with handling of default window resize......
Event Resize

Resizable is a very small and touch-enabled jQuery plugin for creating resizable DOM elements with custom drag/resize handles......

A jQuery image resize & crop plugin that automatically resizes, crops and re-positions an image to fit its container while maintaining the regular aspect ratio......
Resize image-resize

input-autogrow is a dead simple yet very useful jQuery plugin which automatically and horizontally expand the input fields as you type in......
Resize input

A jQuery plugin for mobile-friendly Bootstrap tabs component that automatically switches to a collapsible accordion interface in smaller devices like mobile and tablet......
Bootstrap tabs responsive-tabs

The jQuery Breakpoints plugin keeps tracks of breakpoint changes and executes JS functions within certain breakpoints on window resize......
Event Resize breakpoint

Yet another jQuery plugin that automatically scales, crop any elements to cover their parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover attribute......

The SmartResizeAndScroll jQuery plugin combines the resize() and scroll() functions into a smartresize() function with debounce support......
Resize scrolling callback

colResizable is a small yet useful jQuery plugin which allows the users to responsively & dynamically change the width of the table column via drag and drop (and even touch gesture events)......
Resize Drag

resizeImageToParent.js is a jQuery plugin which dynamically stretches or cuts off images to fill its parent container on window resize, while maintaining aspect ratio and maintaining centering......
image-resize responsive-image

rubber.js is a small yet useful jQuery plugin that dynamically stretches and shrinks an input field based on the text length while typing......
Resize input

The jQuery nite-cropper plugin automatically stretches, shrinks and crops any block elements to fit their parent container depending on the viewport size......

fontScaler is a text resize jQuery plugin to limit the maximum number of text lines that dynamically adjusts the font size of your text to fit inside its parent container......
text-resize font-size

A really simple, cross-browser, jQuery based Resize Observer for developers that observe and react to any change of the viewport’s dimensions......

Yet another jQuery text resize plugin which automatically adjust the font size of your text to fit its parent container on window resize......

image-cover.js is a jQuery based responsive image solution that dynamically resizes an image to fill its parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover property......
image-resize responsive-image

An ultra-light, cross-browser jQuery responsive image plugin that dynamically swaps the image source to load the proper image depending on the current screen size......

Just another jQuery plugin that responsively and dynamically stretches and shrinks an element to fill its parent container while still maintaining the original aspect ratio......
Resize responsive-image responsive-iframe

Just another jQuery plugin to make any elements (images, videos, etc) fill (or fit) the available space in their parent containers for responsive layouts......
Resize responsive-image

A jQuery plugin for creating resizable element that allows horizontal and/or vertical resizing of a DOM element using mouse drag event......

Just another responsive text plugin for jQuery that automatically adjusts the font size of your text to fill its parent container......
responsive-text Resize text-resize

inputfit.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin that dynamically scales text to fit inside a fixed width input field......
Resize input text-resize

Smartzoom is a jQuery plugin that automatically scales web elements and font sizes based on the screen size to provides better readability across the platforms......
text-resize Responsive

A tiny jQuery plugin used for creating responsive, resizable grid layouts where the grid will auto resize to within the browser window while preserving the original aspect ratio......

Just another jQuery plugin for auto scaling textareas that dynamically adjust the height of the normal textarea element to fit its content......
Resize Textarea

Glassjs is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin which handles window resize event and fires events when the browser hits specific breakpoints......
Resize breakpoint

fittable is a jQuery plugin that automatically scales, crops and re-positions an element (e.g. images and videos) to fit within its parent container......

iframeResizer.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that auto resizes the iFrame element depending on the size of embedded content......
IFrame responsive-iframe

fitScreen.js is a jQuery plugin that resizes elements to fit the width and height of the browser view-port......

Harmonize Text is a lightweight jQuery text resize plugin that automatically reduces or increases font size to make your text fit to its parent container......
responsive-text text-resize

A jQuery plugin which responsively renders an element full screen to make it as large as possible while preserving the original aspect ratio......
Resize image-resize Fullscreen

A responsive, mobile-friendly background slideshow which automatically applies the user specified CSS background properties based on the screen orientation......

Image Cover is a jQuery plugin which dynamically resizes and centers your image to fit its parent container in your responsive webpage......

Smartzoom is a tiny jQuery plugin that automatically scales the web content based on the screen width you defined......
responsive-text text-resize font-size

A simple cookie-enabled jQuery text resizer plugin which allows the user to adjust the text size of your webpage with increment and decrement buttons......
text-resize font-size

resizeMaster3000 is a lightweight jQuery text resizing plugin that dynamically scales font size of your text to fit within the parent container......
responsive-text text-resize

cramify.js is a jQuery responsive text plugin for dynamically change the font sizes of the text based on their parent element width that supports multi-line text......
responsive-text text-resize

FitMe.js is a really small jQuery plugin which automatically resizes, crops and centers your image to fit within its parent container while maintaining aspect ratio......

jQuery Plugins (resizeend and resizestart) that listens to the browser window resize events and performs a callback function on resize start and resize end......
Resize Responsive

flexFont.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that automatically adjusts the font size of your text to fit within its parent element......
responsive-text text-resize Responsive

fullBleed is a small and cross-browser jQuery plugin that scales / stretches / resizes your images to fit in the browser window while maintaining aspect ratio......

imgFitter is an ultra-light jQuery plugin used to dynamically resize and crop images to fit any web layout while maintaining aspect ratio & centering......
image-resize Image-Cropping

autoexpand is a jQuery plugin used to dynamically & vertically expand a textarea so that it grows as based on visitor input......
Resize Textarea

easyCrop is a jQuery plugin used to logically resize and crop an image to make none-proportional images display more effectively relative to their container element......
image-resize Image-Cropping

textboxfit.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that automatically & dynamically adjusts the size of your text to fill fixed size container......
Resize text-resize

ConstrainP is a very small jQuery plugin that proportionately and responsively enlarges/shrinks Html elements (images, videos, etc) to fit the parent container......
Resize responsive-image Responsive

A cross-browser jQuery plugin that automatically stretches an images to fill the full window while preserving aspect ratio and maintaining centering......
image-resize background background-image

Bigtext is a jQuery text plugin that enlarge the font size of your text to fill its parent container, without overflowing the container Div......
text-resize font-size Font

Text Resizer is a jQuery plugin which allows the user to resize the text of a given container with CSS3 scale transitions......

Fit Image is a jQuery responsive image solution which allows to resize & centralize an image to fit any size container......
Resize responsive-image

FillBox is a tiny yet useful jQuery plugin to automatically stretch, crop and center an image so that it will fit into any container......
Resize responsive-image

Textsive is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for responsive text that makes the font size of your text as large as possible to fill its parent container......
responsive-text text-resize

A lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating a text size controller which allows the visitors to change font size according which icons they choose......
text-resize font-size

Background Fit is a jQuery plugin for responsive design that resizes the background image to fit your screen/container......
background background-image

SmartFlow.JS an extremely lightweight jQuery web typography plugin to auto change the font size of your text to fit any devices......
text-resize Typography Responsive

Squishy.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for responsive web design that automatically resizes the text to exactly fit the container when window size changed......
Resize text-resize Responsive

A jQuery plugin extends the jQuery FitText for fluidly scaling text, inputs, selects, margin, padding to adapt your website for any screen size......
text-resize Responsive

Yet another jQuery plugin for creating a simple image slideshow that has the ability to automatically resize images to fit within the slideshow container......
jQuery-UI easing

Liquid Input is a small and user friendly jQuery plugin used to resize the text size of an input field based on the filled content you input......
input text-resize

FitText is a jquery plugin that can make font-sizes flexible on your your fluid or responsive layout. For instance, you can use the plugin to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element......
text-resize responsive-text font-size