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Just another responsive text plugin for jQuery that automatically adjusts the font size of your text to fill its parent container.

responsive-text Resize text-resize


font-size-adapter - jQuery plugin

font-size-adapter resizes text to fit in the available space and synchronizes the font-sizes of all elements within the selection.

Codepen demo

Basic usage

Load jQuery, load font-size-adapter, and run the adapter for desired elements.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.fontSizeAdapter.js"></script>  <script>   $('.title').fontSizeAdapter(); </script>

How it works

The script checks the width of your targeted elements and the available space (parent width). Depending on the width's ratio, it alters the original font-size to equalize the elements.

Note that it synchronizes all elements within the jQuery selection.
If you would wish to synchronize font-size for all .title elements, you would do this:


However, if you would like to adapt each .title element independently, use $.each():

$('.title').each(function(){   $(this).fontSizeAdapter(); })

Use enlarge: false option to enable only the shrinking of the elements if needed. The original font-size set through your CSS will never be increased.

$('.title').fontSizeAdapter({   enlarge: false });

The enlarge: false option acts as a dynamic max-size limit and in most cases will be more handy, but if you need to specify the minimum and/or maximum font-size values:

$('.title').fontSizeAdapter({   fontMax: 42,   fontMin: 12 });


Option Type Default Description
fontMax integer 0 Sets maximum font-size limit.
fontMin integer 0 Sets minimum font-size limit.
enlarge boolean true Enables font-size to be increased from it's original size. Use false to make elements only to shrink.
onResize boolean true Enables automatic recalculation on $(window).resize().


MIT License (MIT)


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