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A dead simple yet fully configurable jQuery textarea resize plugin which makes the textarea element to grow vertically with its content while typing.

Resize Textarea



A jQuery-based plugin for auto-adjusting textarea height...with options!


autoSized is a jQuery-based plugin for auto-adjusting the height of textarea elements, perfect for contact and submission forms. autoSized can be further modified through the implementation of options upon initializing.


Add the jQuery CDN link in the head of your HTML page. Bootstrap CDN links are optional.

Add the following before your closing body tag:


In your HTML, add the textarea element(s) to be targeted by the plugin, either single textarea elements:

...or textarea elements embedded in a form:

Then, simply add the following in your script tags to initialize:


The following is a list of current options:

Embedded in Form

Here's an example of a textarea element embedded in a bootstrap form:

This example utilizes the following options:

I hope you find this plugin useful! Feel free to comment to suggest any possible improvements!

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