Are you looking for JQuery Image Cropping Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 11 JQuery Image Cropping Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Image Cropping Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Image Cropping Plugins.
Smartcrop.js is a javascript library implementing content aware image cropping. Smartcrop.js implements an algorithm to find good crops for images. .....
Core Java Script
Image Cropper is a jQuery image cropping plugin. .....
Jcrop is a robust jQuery image cropper plugin that provides a cross-browser, cross-platform, highly customizable image cropping tool for your web application.
Awesome Cropper is a jQuery plugin which allows you to select an image from local and crop it to a specific size by mouse dragging in a popup window......
Cropbox is a lightweight jQuery image cropping plugin that creates a viewport around a given image allowing to move, zoom, resize and crop an image......
iEdit is a canvas based jQuery image cropping plugin which allows you to select/crop photos within a draggable area and then output the result as a normal image on the client side......
photoClip is an Html5 canvas based jQuery image cropping plugin that allows to zoom, rotate and crop your image with support for touch gestures......
SimpleCropper is a jQuery image cropping plugin that allows you to crop a local image and generate a new Base64 encoded image client side, based on Html5 canvas element and CSS3......
canvasCrop is a jQuery image cropping plugin which allows you to resize, rotate, and crop a local image in a rectangular crop area......