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Cropbox is a lightweight jQuery image cropping plugin that creates a viewport around a given image allowing to move, zoom, resize and crop an image.




[DEPRECATED] This plugin is unsupported. You should use js-cropbox.

A Cropper image writing at jQuery.

This Cropper can resize, zoom, move image before crop.



jQuery-Cropbox Demo

Install via Bower

bower install jq-cropbox#1.0.* 




<link href="/PATH_TO_BOWER/jq-cropbox/dist/jquery.cropbox.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH_TO_BOWER/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH_TO_BOWER/jquery-mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH_TO_BOWER/jq-cropbox/dist/jquery.cropbox.min.js"></script>

Create a skeleton:

<p id="message"></p>  <div id="plugin" class="cropbox">     <div class="workarea-cropbox">         <div class="bg-cropbox">             <img class="image-cropbox">             <div class="membrane-cropbox"></div>         </div>         <div class="frame-cropbox">             <div class="resize-cropbox"></div>         </div>     </div>     <p>         <input type="file" accept="image/*">         <button type="button" class="btn-crop">Crop</button>         <button type="button" class="btn-reset">Reset</button>     </p>     <div class="cropped"></div>     <textarea class="data"></textarea> </div>

Registration of plugin:

$('#plugin').cropbox({     selectors: {         inputInfo: '#plugin textarea.data',         inputFile: '#plugin input[type="file"]',         btnCrop: '#plugin .btn-crop',         btnReset: '#plugin .btn-reset',         resultContainer: '#plugin .cropped',         messageBlock: '#message'     },     imageOptions: {         style: 'margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px'     },     variants: [         {             width: 200,             height: 200,             minWidth: 180,             minHeight: 200,             maxWidth: 350,             maxHeight: 350         },         {             width: 150,             height: 200         }     ],     messages: [         'Crop a middle image.',         'Crop a small image.'     ] });


selectors (required)

Selectors is required property where must be content:


  • inputInfo - Selector to input type "text"/"textarea" where will be write information about cropped.
  • inputFile - Selector to input type "file" for select image from file.
  • btnCrop - Selector to button for run crop action.
  • btnReset - Selector to button for run reset action.
  • resultContainer - Content cropped images.


  • messageBlock - If you set property messages then you must be set selector for display it messages.

variants (required)

Variants of crop image. Supported few crop settings.

By default variants content following settings:

variants = [     {         width: 200,         height: 200,         minWidth: 200,         minHeight: 200,         maxWidth: 350,         maxHeight: 350     } ]

You can set your settings of frame crop.


  • width - Width of frame crop (px).
  • height - Height of frame crop (px).


  • minWidth - Minimal width of frame crop for resize it (px).
  • maxWidth - Maximum width of frame crop for resize it (px).
  • minHeight - Minimal height of frame crop for resize it (px).
  • maxHeight - Maximum height of frame crop for resize it (px).

You can set both or one options max(min)Width/max(min)Height of resize frame crop.


HTML-attributes for cropped images which content to resultContainer.


Text/Html messages for current frame crop settings.



The event running when you cropped an image.

The event have one an argument: info. info contain data about a cropped image.

Example usage:

$('#cropbox').on('cb.cropped', function(event, info) {     console.log(info); });


yii2-widget-cropbox is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.

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