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127 JQuery Flexible Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Flexible Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 127 JQuery Flexible Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Flexible Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Flexible Plugins.

Flexible â€“ Declare handlers as any JavaScript function.Modern â€“ Source written with ES6/ES7 syntax and great async await supports.Modular â€“ Use session stores, server framework adapters and platform connectors.....
Core Java Script

Filepond  is a JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience. .....
Core Java Script Forms

iziToast is a elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies. .....
Core Java Script

Original fingerprintjs library was developed in 2012, it’s now impossible to evolve it without breaking backwards compatibilty, so this project will be where all the new development happens.This project will use significantl.....
Core Java Script

Ssi-modal is the most flexible and powerful modal window. Responsive Mobile friendly Customizable .....
Core Java Script Popup Window

A beautiful, flexible and responsive Lightbox Plugin to present various types of media and content famously. Lightcase is a powerful and flexible Lightbox Plugin for desktop and mobile devices.It uses CSS3 for all transitions, d.....
Plugins Popup Window

Flexible scrollbar is a jQuery plugin for making highly configurable scrollbars. .....

FlexModal is a lightweight Jquery plugin to create modal dialog. It’s simple, easy to customize. .....
Plugins Popup Window

The aim of this plugin is to easily build a timeline display for your data. .....

flextabledit is a jQuery plugin that allows users to create, edit and manage grid cells that are arranged in table columns and rows. It is particularly usefull in enviroments where the user must be given the possibility to complet.....
Plugins Tables

RCW forms is a set of form elements build with the help of various frameworks and libraries, that gives you the necessary tools to create any type of web form. .....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Plugins Premium

Makes everything ajaxify with flexible URL routing powered by html5 history API.JQuery.LazyJaxDavis brings the power of history.pushState to static websites.This changes all location changes to dynamic – ajax based. .....
Ajax HTML5 Web

Bootbox.js is a small jQuery library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter’s Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS even.....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

A jQuery plugin that dynamically updates textarea’s height to fit the content.This plugin works for textareas with fixed width as well as for textareas with fluid width. The CSS resize property is set to “none” b.....
Forms Plugins

Flexible parralax jquery plugin to create outstanding single perpective and persepective sliders. This is only one perspective script with slider possibility. It is flexible,configurable and easy to use.Features:flexible configura.....
CSS Plugins Premium Responsive Slider

HexaFlip is a JavaScript UI plugin that let’s you use 3D cubes as interface elements. Dive into the process of creating the plugin and learn some best practices regarding flexible UI plugins.I originally developed a simpler .....
Animation Core Java Script CSS

A JQuery Plugin for super-flexible Dropdowns based on dot.js Templates. .....
Forms Menus Plugins

Dynamic Slider is a flexible slider that allows the customization of all of its components giving the possibility to create a large number of different layouts and configurations. It is lightweight and easy to work with and custom.....
Plugins Premium Slider

ayaSlider is a jQuery plugin to create awesome flexible awesome sliders with multiple animations and embed any html.Features:Embed Any HTML ElementAnimate any/every elementCustomize the way you like, no predefined style sheet! .....
Plugins Slider

Today we want to share a flexible calendar concept with you. Calendars can be a very tricky thing when it comes to their layout and responsiveness. This is an experiment for trying out some grid layouts that can be applied to cale.....
Calendar Plugins Responsive

The jQuery Metro Flexible Navigation is a minimal, clean grid layout inspired by the new Windows 8 interface. It can be customized to be laid out horizontally or vertically. It’s scrollable and dragable at the same time and cont.....
Menus Plugins Premium

ContentFlow is a flexible CoverflowTM / ImageFlowlike flow written in javascript, which can handle any kind of content.With ContentFlow it is now possible to have any number of flows within one web-page. Each separately configurab.....
Gallery Plugins Slider

Rhinoslider is the most flexible jQuery slideshow there is. Be welcome to try it yourself. Not only do we offer a variety of effects, we also allow you to add your own styles, effects and features to the slider.To make the usage o.....
Plugins Slider

jqGrid is a grid component for ASP.NET & PHP based on the world’s most popular and flexible jQuery grid plugin jqGrid.Client-side javascript based on jQueryTheming based on jQuery UI (Themeroller)Support for all major da.....
PHP Plugins Tables

I’ve been using twitter’s bootstrap framework for a number of site builds recently, mainly because it gets me from black-and-white markup to vaguely-presentable websites in a very small amount of time. Version 1.3 introduc.....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

Add more excitement to data tables using jQuery and conditional formatting to generate flexible data “heat maps”. Long tables of numbers are never fun to look at and when presenting this kind of data on the web, where attentio.....
Tables Web

In today’s tutorial we’ll be creating a simple responsive accordion that, when opened, will slide to the top of the viewport and reveal the content by fading it in. The idea is to avoid that the user has to scroll the content .....
Accordion CSS Menus Web

Flexible Nav is a small jQuery library which add a smart navigation bar on the right of the page. It improves a web pagenavigation and helps to visualize different sections of a document, an article,.. any web page. .....
Menus Plugins

jQuery Superbox! Jquery is a plugin for creating modal windows easily be adapted (eg, lighter).It is an accessible script, uses the rel attribute of an element for triggering & href attribute is used for defining the source to.....
Gallery Plugins Popup Window Slider Web

Agile Carousel is a jQuery plugin that allows us to create flexible (both in function and design) slideshows.The plugin uses JSON for the data format of the slides. So, they can easily be provided remotely and integration with a.....
Carousel Gallery jSON Plugins Slider Web

This plug-in was inspired by the extJS border-layout, and recreates that functionality as a jQuery plug-in. The UI.Layout plug-in can create any UI look you want – from simple headers or sidebars, to a complex application .....
jQuery UI Popup Window Tabs Web

jRating is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an Ajaxed star rating system. It is possible to configure every detail from” the number of the stars” to “if the stars can represent decimals or not”. There is.....
Ajax Plugins Web

Bootprompt is the upgraded version of Bootbox plugin that lets you create flexible, multi-language alert, confirmation, prompt and custom popup boxes using the latest Bootstrap 4 framework......
Modal Dialog bootstrap-4 Bootstrap confirm alert

cartonbox is a simple yet configurable jQuery plugin to create beautiful, flexible, user-friendly modal windows on the web application......
Modal gallery-lightbox

Accrue.js is a simple, fast, flexible jQuery plugin for providing loan and interest calculations e.g. loan amortization schedule, interest comparison calculator on your web page......

A jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin which lets you create fully accessible sidebar or top/bottom sliding panels with keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes......
side-menu off-canvas-menu push-menu

Neat Slider is a minimal (less than 1kb), flexible, responsive slider jQuery plugin that enables you to switch between images just like a carousel......
Image-Slider Carousel

Validati is a flexible jQuery form validation plugin which highlights invalid form fields and displays custom error messages using CSS classes and HTML5 data attributes......

Parally is a simple, flexible jQuery parallax scrolling plugin which can be applied to background images or any other DOM elements......
parallax scrolling

An easy, flexible, searchable, and highly customizable content paginator with jQuery (or Vanilla JavaScript) that provides the convenient, client-side pagination functionality for long block elements......

Slick is a fresh new jQuery plugin for creating fully customizable, responsive and mobile friendly carousels/sliders that work with any html elements......

A lightweight, flexible, customizable and themeable jQuery tooltip plugin that allows displaying multiple tooltips on the same element......

Bare Bones Slider is a lightweight and flexible jQuery Slider plugin that enables you to quickly create highly customizable image slider with lots of pre-coded options......
Carousel Image-Slider

The jQuery pushmenu.js plugin helps developers to generate a multi-level, mobile-friendly offcanvas navigation from nested HTML lists......
off-canvas-menu mobile-men

modelo is a lightweight, responsive, accessible, simple-to-use jQuery modal box plugin that is easy to customize using your own CSS styles......

powertip is a jQuery based Flexible and Beautiful Tooltip Plugin which supports for complex data......
fade Smooth

loadingoverlay.js is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin which shows a highly customizable loading overlay with custom spinners while loading some data within a specific container......
loading-spinner loading-overlay

rateYo is a jQuery plugin to create a star rating widget that allows to fill the background color of the un-rated part of an SVG based star on mouse hover......
Rating star-rating

oimage is a lightweight, flexible, responsive jQuery lightbox & gallery plugin creating for showcasing images on the webpage in an elegant way......
gallery-lightbox image-lightbox

Lilo Accordion is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin to create a basic, responsive, customizable accordion UI while leaving the styling up to you......

A simple yet flexible, customizable jQuery character counter and character limit plugin that works with input fields, textareas and contenteditable elements......
Character-Limit Character-Counter

ChromoSelector is a responsive, scalable, themable, touch-enabled color picker jQuery plugin for both desktop and mobile......

Tooltipster is a clean and lightweight jQuery Tooltip Plugin for creating extremely flexible, HTML5 validated tooltips......
html5 Flexible

FileUp is a simple, flexible, customizable jQuery file upload plugin which makes it easy to upload your local files to servers via AJAX requests, with several advanced features......
uploader upload

The Zoom SlideShow jQuery plugin lets you create an image gallery with a carousel thumbnail navigation that has the ability to zoom images on mouse hover just like the magnifying glass effect......
image-zoom image-gallery

The Awesome Rating library lets you create a simple, flexible, customizable rating system for products, images, articles, and posts......

This is a jQuery plugin that enhances the default Bootstrap 4 dropdown components with live search, multiple selection, custom styling, select/deselect all support......
Bootstrap Select bootstrap-4 Drop-Down-list

A flexible and cross-browser jQuery side menu plugin for creating a side navigation menu with multi-level functionality that allows endless nesting of navigation elements......
side-menu push-menu

jGallery is a flexible and interactive jQuery photo gallery plugin that comes with lots of options and transition effects......
photo-gallery Album

zTip is a small JavaScript tooltip library for jQuery that allows you to display any content, text, html and DOM elements inside your tooltips......

OpenDataTable is a jQuery plugin used to render flexible, dynamic, sortable, searchable, pagintable, editable data tables from PHP & MySQL data sources......

flex-table is a responsive, flexible table jQuery plugin that automatically & smoothly expands the table cells containing long content to show the full content on click or tap......

unslider is a responsive and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating clean and flexible content sliders on your web site......

Validaty is a simple, flexible jQuery form validation plugin which applies most commonly used validators to your existing form fields using HTML5 data attributes......

A fully responsive jQuery image carousel slider plugin that features endless loop, auto rotation, arrows navigation, dots pagination and CSS3 animations......
Carousel Image-Slider

Just another jQuery extension for Bootstrap that allows to present multiple slide items in your responsive Bootstrap carousel component......
Bootstrap Carousel

droply-js is a flexible, customizable, cross-platform jQuery multi file uploader for both mobile and desktop......
file-input uploader upload

ratingbox.js is a simple, lightweight, flexible jQuery star rating plugin used for rating products, images, software, users on your webpage......
Rating star-rating

jssocials is a flexible and easy jQuery social share plugin which lets you share web content and links with custom social buttons & counters on social networks......
social-share social-button

Frosty.js is a lightweight, flexible and extensible jQuery tooltip plugin that supports smart position, custom trigger event, arrow indicator, HTML/Text content and much more......

flexModal is a jQuery plugin that helps you create flexible, customizable, AJAX-enabled modal windows for alerts, notifications, dialog boxes and many more......
Modal alert confirm Dialog

Folio.js is a simple, flexible, cross-browser pagination plugin for jQuery that dynamically renders a fully configurable pagination component for your long web content......

artDialog is a simple, elegant, full-featured jQuery plugin to create responsive, accessible, fully customizable dialog popups for your modern web applications......
Modal popup Dialog

A responsive, flexible jQuery/Bootstrap carousel plugin that allows for multiple images on one slide and auto adjusts the number of images depending on the screen width......
Bootstrap Carousel

A simple, flexing jQuery reading time plugin which helps create a reading line and reading indicator displaying the estimated reading time for the rest content......

Announce.js is a tiny yet flexible and customizable jQuery notification plugin that lets you display info/danger/success/warning messages with custom styles and animations......

Flex-Slider is a simple, flexible, fully responsive and configurable jQuery carousel slider plugin that supports multiple images on each slide......
Carousel Image-Slider

Windoze is a simple, flexible, animated, pretty nice and highly custmizable jQuery modal window plugin that supports image lightbox and AJAX content......
Modal image-lightbox

Modal.js is a simple, flexible, powerful jQuery popup plugin which lets you create nice-looking modal windows & dialog boxes with tons of customization options and API......
Modal alert confirm popup Dialog

Syntaxy.js is a simple, flexible, extensible, themeable code syntax highlighter designed for all syntax languages......

Flexy is a lightweight jQuery plugin designed for responsive, cross-browser website that automatically scales the iframes to make them adapt to any screen size......
IFrame responsive-iframe

Nivo Lightbox is a simple yet robust and featured jQuery lightbox plugin that automatically detects the type of your content and display it in a responsive modal window with amazing animations......
Modal video Responsive CSS3 transitions

jQuery tagtacular is a Flexible and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes it easy to add, edit, remove tags with flexible customization options......
Tags-Management tags-input jQuery-UI

Just another jQuery based relative time plugin used to parse human readable dates and times that supports 3 date formats: Datetime, Date and Unix Timestamp......
Date-Format Relative-Date

A simple, flexible jQuery social sharing plugin which generates social links with total share counts to share your posts (or any URLs) on popular social networks......

Flextree is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin used for rendering a dynamic, highly customizable tree structure from external JSON data via AJAX request......

Drilldown is a lightweight, flexible, UMD compatible jQuery plugin used to create a space-saving sliding drill down menu for mobile & desktop websites......

Boot-Slider is a jQuery plugin that lets you create a responsive, automatic image carousel with thumbnail navigation using Bootstrap layout system......
Bootstrap Carousel Image-Slider

hiSlider.js is a simple, responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery image slider plugin that supports flexible layout, touch events and with lots of customization options......

A simple jQuery extension for Bootstrap for creating more flexible Bootstrap carousel component that supports multiple items in one slide and multiple instances on one page......
Bootstrap Carousel

datagrid.js is a simple, extendable and Bootstrap-compatible jQuery data table plugin which helps you render dynamic data grids with pagination, filtering and sorting......
data-grid data-table

DatePickr is a feature rich date picker plugin for creating both inline and input-triggered calendars capable of selecting single / multiple dates and/or date ranges......
Date-Picker date-range

Vanillabox is a simple jQuery plugin for creating clean and skinable lightbox effects with a little bit codes......

countrySelector is a jQuery plugin that makes it easier to insert an highly customizable country dropdown selector on the web page / web application......

Just another jQuery dialog box plugin which provides a simple way to display popup / modal windows with a plenty of options for animations and custom styles......
Modal confirm popup Dialog

Popup.js is a simple, flexible, AJAX-enabled jQuery plugin used for display dynamic or static popup windows on the web page......
Modal popup

MXPage.js is a really simple jQuery plugin used to generate a customizable and styleable pagination component for your long page content......

Cooltip.js is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin to enhance the default browser tooltips that allow you to display any content inside your tooltips......

PlusSlider is a fast and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that turns a group of html elements into a fully configurable and flexible slider......

Ion.Calendar is a jQuery plugin based on Moment.js that allows to create a Flexible and Multi-Language Calendar widget on your web page.....
Calendar Date-Picker Date

Sortable is a jQuery based plugin that allows you to drag and drop any items to sort them in any contains......
Sort Drag

A jQuery form validator for validating your HTML form fields against required field, string, email, password, regular expression, and many more......
Bootstrap Form-Validation

OnePageR is a lightweight jQuery plugin for easy implementation of smooth, mobile-friendly vertical scrolling with sectioned content......
scrolling One-Page-Scrolling

RiModal is a responsive, flexible, dynamic jQuery modal plugin that supports iframes, Ajax loaded content, plain content and very much more......

JFilter.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to filter Html elements (e.g. table rows/columns, list items, etc) through live text search......
Filter filtering

Wallpaper is a tiny jQuery plugin that has the ability to scale a background image to fill and fit a div container while resizing the browser......
background background-image

TreeGrid is a lightweight and flexible jQuery plugin to create a tree grid component that renders hierarchical, nested and flat data in a table......
tree-view grid tree-grid

A lightweight jQuery plugin used to create flexible, customizable and mobile-optimized overlays which cover a page or specified elements......

Sprite Zoom is an easy yet flexible jQuery image zoom plugin which provides a variety of magnifying glass effects on your images......
Magnifier Magnifying-Glass image-zoom

xuSliders is jQuery plugin for creating a fixed width (or full width) image slider which allows you to infinitely loop through a set of images with basic navigation controls......
Carousel Image-Slider

A responsive jQuery content slider (carousel) plugin that features autoplay, endless loop, arrows & bullets navigation, event callbacks and much more......
Carousel Content-slider

jqCtxMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a flexible multi-level right click context menu within any Html containers......

Flexgrid is a fresh new jQuery & CSS based grid system that is flexible, cross browser, fully responsive, mobile-friendly and heavily customizable......

A quick and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a flexible, adaptive, customizable presentation of your photos......

Pliant is a small jQuery validation plugin that allows easy extending/overriding of rules, as well as defining field validation by html comments......

asPopup is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive lightbox & modal window to present any Html elements like images, iframe, photo gallery, Ajax content and inline element......
Modal popup Responsive

Yet another jQuery slideshow plugin which allows you to loop through a group of images (or Html elements) with animation, navigation and pagination......

ezContentSlider is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, flexible and fully customizable content slider with a thumbnail carousel on your website......
Carousel Responsive

A responsive, flexible navigation built with jQuery and CSS3 that displays an animated menu in a fullscreen modal-like popup window......

A jQuery plugin extends the jQuery FitText for fluidly scaling text, inputs, selects, margin, padding to adapt your website for any screen size......
text-resize Responsive

flexModal is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive & flexible modal box that supports any Html contents like text, iFrame, Video, etc......
Modal Overlay Responsive

Wallop Slider is a flexible, mobile-first, multi-purpose image slider with amazing transition animations based on CSS3......
CSS3 transitions

FitText is a jquery plugin that can make font-sizes flexible on your your fluid or responsive layout. For instance, you can use the plugin to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element......
text-resize responsive-text font-size

BeaverSlider is a jQuery plugin which enables you to create flexible and customizable jQuery image sliders with more than 29+ effect types......

ZoomsaicJS is a small jQuery plugin that organizes a group of images in a customizable gallery layout with support for amazing image zoom animations when mouse over......
image-zoom easing