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Scrollchor is a React component for scroll to #hash links with smooth animations.

React Scroll


react-scrollchor (React Scrollchor)

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A React component for scroll to #hash links with smooth animations. Scrollchor is a mix of Scroll and Anchor, a joke name for a useful component.

See it in action:

hash is the id of a HTML tag on current page.



npm install react-scrollchor --save


  • User should provide their own React package


import Scrollchor from 'react-scrollchor';
export default (props) => (   <Page>      <Navbar brand={brand} className="navbar-fixed-top">       <NavItem><Scrollchor to="" className="nav-link">Home</Scrollchor></NavItem>       <NavItem><Scrollchor to="#sample-code" className="nav-link">Sample</Scrollchor></NavItem>       <NavItem><Scrollchor to="#features" className="nav-link">Features</Scrollchor></NavItem>       <NavItem><Scrollchor to="footer" className="nav-link">SignUp</Scrollchor></NavItem>     </Navbar>     <Section id="sample-code">    </Section>    <div id="features">    </div>    <footer id="footer">    </footer>  </Page>

Prop types

  propTypes: {      /**      * id attribute of the target DOM node      * - `#` can be omitted      * - let it blank, `to = ''`, for scroll to page top      * - this prop is required      */     to: PropTypes.string.isRequired,      /**      * id attribute of the scrollable DOM node      * - `#` can be omitted      * - uses the root element of the document if omitted      */     target: PropTypes.string,      /**      * scroll smooth animation can be customized      * Accepted options, Ex: (default)      *  { offset: 0, duration: 400, easing: easeOutQuad }      */     animate: PropTypes.object,      /**      * callback function triggered before scroll to #hash      * @param1 Received click event      */     beforeAnimate: PropTypes.func,      /**      * callback function triggered after scroll to #hash      * @param1 Received click event      */     afterAnimate: PropTypes.func      /**      * enable/disable update browser history with scroll behaviours      * Default to `false`      */     disableHistory: PropTypes.bool }

Reactive props

Update props will re-render Scrollchor element

Example: updating "to" prop

Custom animations

Animation behavior can be customized:

<Scrollchor to="#aboutus" animate={{offset: 20, duration: 600}} className="nav-link">Home</Scrollchor>

default animation settings

{ offset: 0, duration: 400, easing: easeOutQuad }

This setting is equivalent to default jQuery.animate easing: swing

more Easing functions

before and after Animate callbacks

Use these callbacks to trigger behaviors like: update state, load async stuff, etc.

<Scrollchor to="#aboutus" afterAnimate={() => updateState(this)}>Home</Scrollchor>

Simulate click API

Scrollchor includes a dedicate API to do animate scroll programmatically that works like normal click events using simulateClick().

Example: using simulateClick

When used programmatically, some use-cases don't need anchor tags. On these cases use childless Scrollchor.

Childless Scrollchor

This component will render null and the user is reponsible for storing the component reference, Ex: childless

<Scrollchor ref={ref => (this._back = ref)} to="_back" />

Example: calling simulateClick() on childless ref

_afterAnimate = () => {   this.setState({ to: this._iterator.next().value });     setTimeout(() => this._back.simulateClick(), 1000); };

Scrollable ancestor container

Scrollchor works within any scrollable parent container. The root element of the document will be choose if none is specified.

Hosted example show how to use a different container using prop target.

  • Click Within scrollable container checkbox: hosted example(full example below)

Full Example







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  • Feel free to send any PR



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