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React component wrapper for SimpleMDE markdown editor.

React Text


React SimpleMDE (EasyMDE) Markdown Editor

NPM version

React component wrapper for EasyMDE (the most fresh SimpleMDE fork).

Only two dependencies, React (peer) and EasyMDE (explicit).

New in v4

  • Now uses EasyMDE (the most fresh SimpleMDE fork) instead of simplemde itself. Possible breaking changes, so I bumped version to v4.
  • One obvious breaking change. Is how CSS is have to be imported. It used to be simplemde/dist/simplemde.min.css now it will be easymde/dist/easymde.min.css

New in v3

  • The initialValue prop has been removed and replaced with a value prop, allowing direct changes to the value to be made after the component mounts.
  • v3.6.8 if rendering server-side, you can set static ids to avoid errors in rendering synchronization.
  • v3.6.17 TypeScript typings added.
  • v3.6.19 All props will be passed to the wrapper now (except a id, onChange and few others that are ignored)
  • v3.6.21 React 17 support (UNSAFE methods are no longer used)

New in v2

Version 1.0 did not have SimpleMDE options configured well, this readme reflects the changes made to better include options. This is still a very new project. Testing, feedback and PRs are welcome and appreciated.


npm install --save react-simplemde-editor 



or view it locally:

git clone https://github.com/RIP21/react-simplemde-editor.git cd react-simplemde-editor yarn install yarn demo open browser with localhost:3000 


View the demo code for a full example.

Not required, but useless without it, the onChange callback is the only option you need to set.

import React from "react"; import SimpleMDE from "react-simplemde-editor"; import "easymde/dist/easymde.min.css";  <SimpleMDE onChange={this.handleChange} />;

The data from SimpleMDE is passed to the handleChange function and you do not need to reference the event.

handleChange = value => {   this.setState({ mdeValue: value }); };


Set additional SimpleMDE options with an options prop.

Note - while SimpleMDE options has an initialValue option, this component only takes a value prop which is set as the initialValue on first render.

Note - if you don't specify a custom id it will automatically generate an id for you.

import React from "react"; import SimpleMDE from "react-simplemde-editor"; import "easymde/dist/easymde.min.css";  <SimpleMDE   id="your-custom-id"   label="Your label"   onChange={this.handleChange}   value={this.state.textValue}   options={{     autofocus: true,     spellChecker: false     // etc.   }} />;

You can include key maps using the extraKeys prop. Read more at https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#option_extraKeys

extraKeys = {   Up: function(cm) {     cm.replaceSelection(" surprise. ");   },   Down: function(cm) {     cm.replaceSelection(" surprise again! ");   } };  <SimpleMDE   value={this.state.textValue}   onChange={this.handleChange}   extraKeys={extraKeys} />;

Custom preview rendering example

import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server";  <SimpleMDE   value={this.state.text}   onChange={this.setText}   options={{     previewRender(text) {       return ReactDOMServer.renderToString(         <ReactMarkdown           source={text}           renderers={{             CodeBlock: CodeRenderer,             Code: CodeRenderer           }}         />       );     }   }} />;

Additional listeners for events of CodeMirror

See full list of events: https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#events

<SimpleMDE   value={this.state.text}   onChange={this.handleChange}   events={{     'blur': (e) => {},     'focus': (e) => {},     //... Add any codeMirror events   }} />

Autosaving example

import React, { Component } from "react"; import SimpleMDEReact from "react-simplemde-editor";  class Autosaving extends Component {   defaultProps = {     delay: 1000,     value: ""   };    state = {     value: localStorage.getItem(`smde_${this.props.id}`) || this.props.value   };    render() {     const { options, delay, id, ...rest } = this.props;     return (       <SimpleMDEReact         {...rest}         id={id}         value={this.state.value}         options={{           autosave: {             enabled: true,             uniqueId: id,             delay           },           ...options         }}       />     );   } }

Retrieve simplemde instance to be able to manipulate it.

<SimpleMDE   getMdeInstance= { this.getInsance } // <-- set callback prop   value={this.state.text}   onChange={this.handleChange}   } />
getIntance = instance => {   // You can now store and manipulate the simplemde instance.   instance.togglePreview(); };

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