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A smooth and easy gesture password component for React Native app.

Form React Native



gesture password component,smooth easy and quick

base on react-native-smart-gesture-password More friendly to existing reactive native versions, adding moving callbacks




npm install react-native-ok-gesture-password --save 
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Alert} from 'react-native'; import OkGesturePassword from "./source/OkGesturePassword";  type Props = {}; export default class App extends Component<Props> {      state = {         point1: "#FFFFFF",         point2: "#FFFFFF",         point3: "#FFFFFF",         point4: "#FFFFFF",         point5: "#FFFFFF",         point6: "#FFFFFF",         point7: "#FFFFFF",         point8: "#FFFFFF",         point9: "#FFFFFF",     };      render() {         return (             <View style={styles.container}>                 <View style={{height: 70, marginTop: 10}}>                     <View style={styles.headContent}>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point1}]}/>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point2}]}/>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point3}]}/>                     </View>                     <View style={styles.headContent}>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point4}]}/>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point5}]}/>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point6}]}/>                     </View>                     <View style={styles.headContent}>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point7}]}/>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point8}]}/>                         <View style={[styles.headCircle, {backgroundColor: this.state.point9}]}/>                     </View>                 </View>                 <OkGesturePassword                     style={styles.gesturePassword}                     pointBackgroundColor={'white'}                     showArrow={false}                     color={'#1F67B9'}                     activeColor={'#1F67B9'}                     warningColor={'red'}                     warningDuration={0}                     allowCross={false}                     onMove={(p) => {                         console.log("onMove:" + p);                         this._changeHeadPoint(p);                     }}                     onFinish={(password) => {                         Alert.alert("密码",password);                         this._resetHeadPoint();                     }}                 />             </View>         );     }      _resetHeadPoint = () => {         this.setState({             point1: "#FFFFFF",             point2: "#FFFFFF",             point3: "#FFFFFF",             point4: "#FFFFFF",             point5: "#FFFFFF",             point6: "#FFFFFF",             point7: "#FFFFFF",             point8: "#FFFFFF",             point9: "#FFFFFF",         });     };      _changeHeadPoint = (point) => {         switch (point + 1) {             case 1:                 this.setState({                     point1: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 2:                 this.setState({                     point2: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 3:                 this.setState({                     point3: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 4:                 this.setState({                     point4: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 5:                 this.setState({                     point5: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 6:                 this.setState({                     point6: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 7:                 this.setState({                     point7: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 8:                 this.setState({                     point8: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;             case 9:                 this.setState({                     point9: '#1F67B9'                 });                 break;          }     };  }  const styles = StyleSheet.create({     gesturePassword: {         backgroundColor: 'white',     },     headContent: {         flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'row'     },     headCircle: {         borderRadius: 30,         borderWidth: 1,         borderColor: "#1F67B9",         width: 15,         height: 15,         margin: 4,     },     container: {         flex: 1,         justifyContent: 'center',         alignItems: 'center',         backgroundColor: 'white',     },     welcome: {         fontSize: 20,         textAlign: 'center',         margin: 10,     },     instructions: {         textAlign: 'center',         color: '#333333',         marginBottom: 5,     }, });


Prop Type Optional Default Description
pointBackgroundColor string Yes 'transparent' determine bgcolor of gesture point
gestureAreaLength number Yes 222 determine width and height of gesture area
color string Yes '#A9A9A9' determine color of normal gesture point
activeColor string Yes '#00AAEF' determine color of active gesture point
warningColor string Yes 'red' determine color of warning gesture point
lineColor string Yes determine color of line, if does not set this, the color of line will be the same as gesture point
lineWidth string Yes 1 determine width of line
warningDuration number Yes 1500 determine duration when gesture status is warning
topComponent element Yes determine the presentation above gesture area
bottomCompont element Yes determine the presentation below gesture area
isWarning bool Yes false determine gesture warning status
showArrow bool Yes true determine whether show arrow in point
allowCross bool Yes true determine whether allow a line cross a point
onStart func Yes determine the listener which is called before gesture is granted
onMove func Yes determine the listener which is called after gesture is moved
onReset func Yes determine the listener which is called after gesture is reseted
onFinish func Yes determine the listener which is called after gesture actions is finished

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