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Better form validation and value management for React. Provides minimal wiring while also allowing for complete input flexibility.

Built on yup and react-input-message.


npm i -S react-formal yup

(don't like the yup but like how the form works? Try: topeka)


For more complete api documentations, live examples, and getting started guide check out the documentation site.

react-formal uses a yup schema to update and validate form values. It treats the form like an input (representing an object) with a value and onChange. The form can be controlled or uncontrolled as well, just like a normal React input.

var yup = require('yup')   , Form = require('react-formal')  var modelSchema = yup.object({         name: yup.object({             first: yup.string().required('Name is required'),             last: yup.string().required('Name is required')         }),         dateOfBirth: yup.date()             .max(new Date(), 'You can be born in the future!')     })  // ...in a component render() {     return (         <Form             schema={modelSchema}             value={this.state.model}             onChange={model => this.setState({ model })}         >             <fieldset>                 <legend>Personal Details</legend>                  <Form.Field name='name.first'/>                 <Form.Message for='name.first'/>                  <Form.Field name='name.last'/>                 <Form.Message for='name.last'/>                  <Form.Field name='dateOfBirth'/>                 <Form.Message for='dateOfBirth'/>             </fieldset>             <Form.Submit type='submit'>Submit</Form.Submit>         </Form>     ) }

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