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A library for React Native that lets you create animated multi-step wizard form on the app.

Form React Native


React Native Animated Multistep




You can install this package with the following command:

yarn add react-native-animated-multistep


npm install react-native-animated-multistep

How to use

you can also see this example

In the top level component add

import AnimatedMultistep from 'react-native-animated-multistep' import StepOne from './StepOne' import StepTwo from './StepTwo' import StepThree from './StepThree'  /* Define the steps  */  import Step1 from "./steps/step1"; import Step2 from "./steps/step2"; import Step3 from "./steps/step3"; import Step4 from "./steps/step4";  const allSteps = [   { name: "step 1", component: Step1 },   { name: "step 2", component: Step2 },   { name: "step 3", component: Step3 },   { name: "step 4", component: Step4 } ];  /* Define your class */ export default class App extends Component {  /* define the method to be called when you go on next step */    onNext = () => {     console.log("Next");   };    /* define the method to be called when you go on back step */    onBack = () => {     console.log("Back");   };  /* define the method to be called when the wizard is finished */    finish = finalState => {     console.log(finalState);   };  /* render MultiStep */   render() {     return (       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>         <AnimatedMultistep           steps={allSteps}           onFinish={this.finish}           onBack={this.onBack}           onNext={this.onNext}           comeInOnNext="bounceInUp"           OutOnNext="bounceOutDown"           comeInOnBack="bounceInDown"           OutOnBack="bounceOutUp"         />       </View>     ); } } 

In the step

import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Text, View, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";  import styles from "./styles";  class step1 extends Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {};   }    nextStep = () => {     const { next, saveState } = this.props;     // Save state for use in other steps     saveState({ name: "samad" });      // Go to next step     next();   };    goBack() {     const { back } = this.props;     // Go to previous step     back();   }    render() {     return (       <View style={[styles.container, styles.step1]}>         <Text> Step 1 </Text>         <View style={styles.btnContainer}>           <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.nextStep}>             <Text>Next</Text>           </TouchableOpacity>         </View>       </View>     );   } }  export default step1;  


this.props.saveState({ key: value, key2: value2})

Use this to save state


Use this to get all the values saved with saveState so far. Retuns an object


Use this to go to next step in the app.


Use this to go to previos step in the app.


Props Type Notes Required
steps Array array containing steps ✔️
onFinish function a function, which will run when all steps are finish
onNext function a function, which will run when you go on next step
onBack function a function, which will run when you go on back step
comeInOnNext String define you animation type when the component comes in on next, default is bounceInLeft
OutOnNext String define you animation type when the component goes out on next, default is bounceOutRight
comeInOnBack String define you animation type when the component comes in on back, default is bounceInRight
OutOnBack String define you animation type when the component goes out on next, default is bounceOutLeft


you can more animation and set-up animations by your self on react-native-animatable


Method Name Arguments Notes
next() none use this method to jump on next step
back() none use this method to go back on previos step
saveState() Object use this method to save your state, in order to get in other steps
getState() none use this method to get you saved state by saveState() method

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