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Easy, convenient, quick-forming Wizard component for React Native.

Form React Native


React Native Wizard

Easy, convenient, quick-forming Wizard component for React Native. This package is not using any native modules so you don't need to run react-native link. Also this package is providing simple usage with few props and functions. You can see examples below the page.

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Getting Started

With NPM

npm install --save react-native-wizard 


yarn add react-native-wizard 

1.0.1 Features

  • TypeScript definitions added.


Props Description
activeStep For setting active step at start.
showNextButton If you want to get showable status of showNextButton from Step use this.
showPrevButton If you want to get showable status of showPrevButton from Step use this.
ref You need to set ref for using some function like goToStep()
currentStep You can get current step index. Also you can get that step is last step or first step. Required
duration You can set duration of transition animation. Default is 500
onNext If next button click and step is change, this function will run.
onPrev If prev button click and step is change, this function will run.
onFinish If you click next button and if that step the last one then this function will run.
steps You can set step with this prop. Required

Reference Functions (ref={e=>this.wizard=e})

Props Usage
next() this.wizard.next()
prev() this.wizard.prev()
goToStep(stepIndex) this.wizard.goToStep(stepIndex)

Understanding the usage of Step

This wizard using your component class/function as a child. Every time this Wizard rendering your active step with your setted props. Also wizard sending some props for in step usage. Like goToStep(stepIndex), goNext() and goBack() also step is sending showable status of next and back button to root component. With this props your step can manage wizard.

Example App

You can find the usage example of the package in the example folder.

git clone https://github.com/talut/react-native-wizard  cd react-native-wizard/example  npm install  react-native run-ios/android

Basic Usage

// import Wizard import Wizard from "react-native-wizard"  // Import your own step components import Step1 from "./yourStepsDir/Step1"; import Step2 from "./yourStepsDir/Step2"; import Step3 from "./yourStepsDir/Step3";  // ...  const steps = [       {         component: () => <Image source={{uri: "http://placehold.it/96x96"}} style={{width:50, height:50}}/>,       },     {         component: Step2,         props    : {           step2Special: "Step 2 special props"         }     },     {         component: Step3,         props    : {           step3Special: "Step 3 special props"         }     },     ]     <Wizard         ref={(e) => this.wizard = e}         currentStep={(currentIndex, isFirstStep, isLastStep) => {              this.setState({                 isLastStep  : isLastStep,                 isFirstStep : isFirstStep,                 currentIndex: currentIndex             })          }}         steps={steps}     /> 

Advanced Usage

You can access this.wizard.next(), this.wizard.prev() and goToStep(stepIndex) functions via ref={(e) => this.wizard = e}

<Wizard               activeStep={2}               showNextButton={(status) => {                 status ? console.log("SHOW") : console.log("HIDE")               }}               showPrevButton={(status) => {                 status ? console.log("SHOW") : console.log("HIDE")               }}               ref={(e) => this.wizard = e}               currentStep={(currentIndex, isFirstStep, isLastStep) => {                 this.setState({                   isLastStep  : isLastStep,                   isFirstStep : isFirstStep,                   currentIndex: currentIndex                 })               }}               duration={500}               onNext={() => {console.log("Next page called")}}               onPrev={() => {console.log("Prev page called")}}               onFinish={() => {alert("onFinish called")}}               steps={steps}/> 
// this.wizard.next()  <Button onPress={() => {               this.wizard.next();             }} title={this.state.isLastStep ? "Bitir" : "Ä°lerle"}/>  // this.wizard.prev() if is not first step! {!this.state.isFirstStep ? <Button onPress={() => {               this.wizard.prev();             }} title={"Go Back"}/> : undefined}  // this.wizard.goToStep(2) <Button onPress={() => {               this.wizard.goToStep(2);             }} title={"Go to index 2 If you set 3 step then that means step 3"}/> 


This package has no step show component but you can easily add by yourself. Maybe at the future I can add this feature.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

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