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Jeff is a lightweight form library that makes it easy to create reusable and testable forms.

Form React


React Jeff

A Good Form Library

  • ~800 bytes minified+gzip
  • Easy to learn API
  • Write your form code in a way that is reusable and testable
  • Seamless sync and async form validations (including on form submit)
  • Tons of utilty features out of the box
  • Written with React Hooks
  • Typed with TypeScript


npm install react-jeff 


import React from "react" import { useField, useForm } from "react-jeff"  function validateUsername(value) { 	let errs = [] 	if (value.length < 3) errs.push("Must be at least 3 characters long") 	if (!/^[a-z0-9_-]*$/i.test(value)) errs.push("Must only contain alphanumeric characters or dashes/underscores") 	if (!/^[a-z0-9]/i.test(value)) errs.push("Must start with alphanumeric character") 	if (!/[a-z0-9]$/i.test(value)) errs.push("Must end with alphanumeric character") 	return errs }  function validatePassword(value) { 	let errs = [] 	if (value.length < 6) errs.push("Must be at least 6 characters long") 	if (!/[a-z]/.test(value)) errs.push("Must contain at least one lowercase letter") 	if (!/[A-Z]/.test(value)) errs.push("Must contain at least one uppercase letter") 	if (!/[0-9]/.test(value)) errs.push("Must contain at least one number") 	return errs }  function Form({ onSubmit, ...props }) { 	return ( 		<form {...props} onSubmit={event => { 			event.preventDefault() 			onSubmit() 		}}/> 	) }  function Input({ onChange, ...props }) { 	return ( 		<input {...props} onChange={event => { 			onChange(event.currentTarget.value) 		}} /> 	) }  function SignupForm() { 	let username = useField({ 		defaultValue: "", 		required: true, 		validations: [validateUsername], 	})  	let password = useField({ 		defaultValue: "", 		required: true, 		validations: [validatePassword], 	})  	function onSubmit() { 		// submit form... 	}  	let form = useForm({ 		fields: [username, password], 		onSubmit: onSubmit, 	})  	return ( 		<Form {...form.props}> 			<Input type="text" {...username.props} /> 			<Input type="password" {...password.props} /> 			<button type="submit">Sign Up</button> 		</Form> 	) }



Call useField() to create a single field in a form.

let field = useField({ 	defaultValue: (value), // ....... (Required) The default value of the field. 	validations: [(...errors)], // .. (Optional) Validations to run when the field is `validate()`'d. 	required: boolean, // ........... (Optional) Should the field be required? 	disabled: boolean, // ........... (Optional) Should the field be disabled? 	readOnly: boolean, // ........... (Optional) Should the field be readOnly? })
field == { 	value: (value), // ......... The current value of the field. 	defaultValue: (value), // .. The `defaultValue` passed into `useField({ defaultValue })`.  	dirty: boolean, // ......... Has the field been changed from its defaultValue? 	touched: boolean, // ....... Has the element this field is attached to been focused previously? 	focused: boolean, // ....... Is the element this field is attached to currently focused? 	blurred: boolean, // ....... Has the element this field is attached to been focused and then blurred?  	validating: boolean, // .... Is the field validating itself? 	valid: boolean, // ......... Is the field currently valid? (must have no errors, and if the field is required, must not be empty) 	errors: [(...errors)], // .. The collected errors returned by `opts.validations`  	required: boolean, // ...... Is the field required? 	disabled: boolean, // ...... Is the field disabled? 	readOnly: boolean, // ...... Is the field readOnly?  	setValue: Function, // ..... Call with a value to manually update the value of the field. 	setRequired: Function, // .. Call with true/false to manually set the `required` state of the field. 	setDisabled: Function, // .. Call with true/false to manually set the `disabled` state of the field. 	setReadOnly: Function, // .. Call with true/false to manually set the `readOnly` state of the field.  	reset: Function, // ........ Reset the field to its default state. 	validate: Function, // ..... Manually tell the field to validate itself (updating other fields).  	// Props to pass into an component to attach the `field` to it: 	props: { 		value: (value), // ....... The current value (matches `field.value`).  		onChange: Function, // ... An `onChange` handler to update the value of the field. 		onFocus: Function, // .... An `onFocus` handler to update the focused/touched/blurred states of the field. 		onBlur: Function, // ..... An `onFocus` handler to update the focused/blurred states of the field.  		required: boolean, // .... Should the element be `required`? 		disabled: boolean, // .... Should the element be `disabled`? 		readOnly: boolean, // .... Should the element be `readOnly`? 	}, }


Call useForm() with to create a single form.

let form = useForm({ 	fields: [(...fields)], // .. All of the fields created via `useField()` that are part of the form. 	onSubmit: Function, // ..... A submit handler for the form that receives the form submit event. })
form == { 	fieldErrors: [(...errors)], // ... The collected errors from all of the fields in the form. 	submitErrors: [(...errors)], // .. The errors returned by `opts.onSubmit`.  	submitted: boolean, // ........... Has the form been submitted at any point? 	submitting: boolean, // .......... Is the form currently submitting?  	focused: boolean, // ............. Are *any* of the fields in the form currently `focused`? 	touched: boolean, // ............. Are *any* of the fields in the form currently `touched`? 	dirty: boolean, // ............... Are *any* of the fields in the form currently `dirty`? 	valid: boolean, // ............... Are *all* of the fields in the form currently `valid`? 	validating: boolean, // .......... Are *any* of the fields in the form currently `validating`?  	reset: Function, // .............. Reset all of the fields in the form. 	validate: Function, // ........... Validate all of the fields in the form. 	submit: Function, // ............. Submit the form manually.  	// Props to pass into a form component to attach the `form` to it: 	props: { 		onSubmit: Function, // ......... An onSubmit handler to pass to an element that submits the form. 	}, }

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