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A multiple select component for React that enables the visitor to select multiple options from a dropdown with checkboxes.

Form React


React Multi Select Component

React Multi Select Component

Animated GIF demo

Storybook Demo


npm install --save @khanacademy/react-multi-select yarn add @khanacademy/react-multi-select


See the examples in /src/stories/index.js for how to use the component, but here is a minimum required setups:

import React from 'react'; import MultiSelect from "@khanacademy/react-multi-select";  const options = [   {label: "One", value: 1},   {label: "Two", value: 2},   {label: "Three", value: 3}, ];  class Consumer extends React.Component {   state = {     selected: [],   }    render() {     const {selected} = this.state;      return <MultiSelect       options={options}       selected={selected}       onSelectedChanged={selected => this.setState({selected})}     />   } } 


You can override the strings to be whatever you want, including translations for your languages.

<StatefulMultiSelect     overrideStrings={{         selectSomeItems: "Select Some items...",         allItemsAreSelected: "All Items are Selected",         selectAll: "Select All",         search: "Search",     }} /> 

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