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This is a react-native library to apply desired multiple regexes to plain text.

React Native Text



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A Customizable Markdown Library for rendering Markdown in React Native with native components, working with both iOS & Android.

Custom markdown rules for your application is possible now without any regex learning. Just follow the simple guidelines shown bellow.


Getting started

Install the node module:

$ yarn add react-native-markdown-formatter

or with npm:

$ npm install --save react-native-markdown-formatter

Then see Usage for futher details

Runnning the example code

$ cd MarkdownFormatter

$ npm install

$ react-native run-android/run-ios


If there is build issue with above command then try running it from Studio/XCode.

Markdown Patterns Usage

Default Configuration:

  • '_italic_' will result in 'italic'.
  • '**bold**' will result in 'bold'.
  • '[Title](link)' will result in Title.
  • '- bullet 1\r - bullet2\r - bulltet 3' will result in following way
     . bullet 1   . bullet2  . bullet 3 
  • '1. numbered 1\r 2. numbered2\n 3. numbered 3' will result in following way
    1. numbered 1  2. numbered2 3. numbered 3 

Custom Configurations:

To replace or to be added with default config.

  •   {       type: 'italic',   	styles: [],   	pattern: ['-'],   	patternType: 'symmetric',   	groups:1,   } 

    The above pattern will render '-italic-' in 'italic'.

  •   {   	type: 'bullet',   	styles: [],   	pattern: ['\\$[\\s]+((.*?)[\\n|\\r](?=\\$[\\s]+)|(.*?)$)'],   	patternType: 'custom',   	groups: 1,   }, 

    The above pattern will convert 'bullet list $ Item 1.1\r$ Item -2.2-\r$ Item 3\r' in following way:

    bullet list . Item 1.1 . Item -2.2- . Item 3 
  • One can create custom markdown based on project need and render it within text.

  • One can also send the whole regex itself with pattern type custom to have complete control on markdown to apply regex on text and render it


import RNMarkdownFormatter from 'react-native-markdown-formatter';  let exampleTexts = [ 	"This is a _Italic_ text", 	"This is a **Bold** text", 	"This is a [Adaptive Cards](http://adaptivecards.io) hyperlink text", 	"This is a **bullet** list - Item **1**.1\r- Item _2.2_\r- Item 3\r ", 	"This is a _numbered_ list 1. _Green_\r2. Orange\r3. **Blue**\r", 	"This is a custom markdown for bullet list $ Item **1**.1\r$ Item _2.2_\r$ Item 3\r ", 	"This is a mixed **_bold/italic_** which also supports **_Type_One** _Type**Two**_ text", 	"This is a mixed lists \n**bullet** list - Item **1**.1\r- Item _2.2_\r- Item 3\r and _numbered_ list 1. _Green_\r2. Orange\r3. **Blue**\r", ]; 

In your Component's render() method you can then render markdown via JSX e.g.

<View> 	<RNMarkdownFormatter  		defaultStyles={[]} // or textBlockComputedStyle 		numberOfLines={0} // 1(no wrap text) or 0(wrap text) 		text={exampleText[5]}  		regexArray={[]} // or customMarkdownFormatterRegex 	/> </View> 

Extra Features: User can also send their custom regex and styles also to apply on text.

//[Optional] user's custom config to be added to default configs var customMarkdownFormatterRegex = [ 	{ 		type: 'bullet', // this will replace the default bullet config with user specified config. 		styles: [], 		pattern: ['\\$[\\s+](.*?)[\\n|\\r]'], 		patternType: 'custom', 		groups: 1, 	}, 	{ 		type: 'italic', 		styles: [], 		pattern: ['-'], 		patternType: 'symmetric', 		groups:1, 	} ];  //[Optional] TextBlock styles let textBlockComputedStyle = []; textBlockComputedStyle.push({ 	fontSize: 24, 	margin: 10, 	alignItems: 'flex-start' ); 


// formatter default pattern configs which user does not have to pass to markdown MD_FORMATTER_CONFIG = [ 	{ 		type: 'numbered', 		styles: [], 		pattern: ["\\d.", '\\r'], 		patternType: 'start-end', 		groups: 1, 	},   	{ 		type: 'bullet', 		styles: [], 		pattern: ['-', '\\r'], 		patternType: 'start-end', 		groups: 1, 	},   	{ 		type: 'bold', 		styles: [styles.boldText], 		pattern: ['**'], 		patternType: 'symmetric', 		groups: 1, 	}, 	{ 		type: 'italic', 		styles: [styles.italicText], 		pattern: ['_'], 		patternType: 'symmetric', 		groups: 1, 	}, 	{ 		type: 'hyperlink', 		styles: [styles.hyperlinkText], 		pattern: ['[]()'], 		patternType: 'asymmetric', 		groups: 2, 	}, ];




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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

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