Easy-to-use yet very configurable app introduction slider/swiper based on FlatList
npm i react-native-app-intro-slider --save
![]() | ![]() |
Table of contents
Basic example
No configuration | showSkipButton | bottomButton and showSkipButton |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
The component is based on FlatList so usage is very similar. Pass a data-array to AppIntroSlider along with a renderItem-function (or you can use the default basic layout).
import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import AppIntroSlider from 'react-native-app-intro-slider'; const slides = [ { key: 'somethun', title: 'Title 1', text: 'Description.\nSay something cool', image: require('./assets/1.jpg'), backgroundColor: '#59b2ab', }, { key: 'somethun-dos', title: 'Title 2', text: 'Other cool stuff', image: require('./assets/2.jpg'), backgroundColor: '#febe29', }, { key: 'somethun1', title: 'Rocket guy', text: 'I\'m already out of descriptions\n\nLorem ipsum bla bla bla', image: require('./assets/3.jpg'), backgroundColor: '#22bcb5', } ]; export default class App extends React.Component { this.state = { showRealApp: false } _renderItem = (item) => { return ( <View style={styles.slide}> <Text style={styles.title}>{item.title}</Text> <Image source={item.image} /> <Text style={styles.text}>{item.text}</Text> </View> ); } _onDone = () => { // User finished the introduction. Show real app through // navigation or simply by controlling state this.setState({ showRealApp: true }); } render() { if (this.state.showRealApp) { return <App />; } else { return <AppIntroSlider renderItem={this._renderItem} slides={slides} onDone={this._onDone}/>; } } }
Configuring buttons
import React from 'react'; import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons'; import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import AppIntroSlider from 'react-native-app-intro-slider'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ buttonCircle: { width: 40, height: 40, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)', borderRadius: 20, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }, image: { width: 320, height: 320, }, }); // slides = [...] export default class App extends React.Component { _renderNextButton = () => { return ( <View style={styles.buttonCircle}> <Ionicons name="md-arrow-round-forward" color="rgba(255, 255, 255, .9)" size={24} style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }} /> </View> ); }; _renderDoneButton = () => { return ( <View style={styles.buttonCircle}> <Ionicons name="md-checkmark" color="rgba(255, 255, 255, .9)" size={24} style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }} /> </View> ); }; render() { return ( <AppIntroSlider slides={slides} renderDoneButton={this._renderDoneButton} renderNextButton={this._renderNextButton} /> ); } }
Custom slide layout
import React from 'react'; import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons'; import { StyleSheet, View, Text, Image } from 'react-native'; import { LinearGradient } from 'expo'; import AppIntroSlider from 'react-native-app-intro-slider'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ mainContent: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-around', }, image: { width: 320, height: 320, }, text: { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)', backgroundColor: 'transparent', textAlign: 'center', paddingHorizontal: 16, }, title: { fontSize: 22, color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'transparent', textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: 16, }, }); const slides = [ { key: 'somethun', title: 'Quick setup, good defaults', text: 'React-native-app-intro-slider is easy to setup with a small footprint and no dependencies. And it comes with good default layouts!', icon: 'ios-images-outline', colors: ['#63E2FF', '#B066FE'], }, { key: 'somethun1', title: 'Super customizable', text: 'The component is also super customizable, so you can adapt it to cover your needs and wants.', icon: 'ios-options-outline', colors: ['#A3A1FF', '#3A3897'], }, { key: 'somethun2', title: 'No need to buy me beer', text: 'Usage is all free', icon: 'ios-beer-outline', colors: ['#29ABE2', '#4F00BC'], }, ]; export default class App extends React.Component { _renderItem = props => ( <LinearGradient style={[ styles.mainContent, { width: props.width, height: props.height, }, ]} colors={props.colors} start={{ x: 0, y: 0.1 }} end={{ x: 0.1, y: 1 }} > <Ionicons style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }} name={props.icon} size={200} color="white" /> <View> <Text style={styles.title}>{props.title}</Text> <Text style={styles.text}>{props.text}</Text> </View> </LinearGradient> ); render() { return <AppIntroSlider slides={slides} renderItem={this._renderItem} bottomButton />; } }
Here a custom renderItem
is supplied and the bottomButton
-props has been set to true
. Notice how the setup of slides
has been configured to support icons and gradient backgrounds.
Props and options
The component extends FlatList
so all FlatList-props are valid.
Configure looks
Name | Type | Default | Description |
skipLabel | string | Skip | Custom label for Skip button |
doneLabel | string | Done | Custom label for Done button |
nextLabel | string | Next | Custom label for Next button |
prevLabel | string | Back | Custom label for Prev button |
bottomButton | boolean | false | Enable to show a full-width button under pagination |
buttonStyle | style | null | Styling of outer button component |
buttonTextStyle | style | null | Styling of button text component |
dotStyle | style | {backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)'} | Style of inactive pagination dots |
activeDotStyle | style | {backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .9)'} | Style of active pagination dot |
paginationStyle | style | null | Styling of the pagination dots |
hidePagination | boolean | false | Enable to hide the pagination |
renderNextButton | function | renders a Text-component | Use to supply your own next button |
renderPrevButton | function | renders a Text-component | Use to supply your own prev button |
renderDoneButton | function | renders a Text-component | Use to supply your own done button |
renderSkipButton | function | renders a Text-component | Use to supply your own skip button |
renderItem | function | renders DefaultSlide | (FlatList's renderItem)[]. Receives {item, index, dimensions} where dimensions contains height and width of the slides. |
Configure behavior
Name | Type | Default | Description |
slides | object | No default, required | An array of objects (they should either contain a unique key -prop or you should pass a keyExtractor -function to the component) |
showSkipButton | boolean | false | Enable to show a skip button to the left of pagination dots. When bottomButton == true the skip button is a small text under the full-width next button |
showPrevButton | boolean | false | Enable to show a previous button. If showSkipButton is true, the skip button will be displayed on the first page and prev button on subsequent one |
showNextButton | boolean | true | Disable to hide the next button |
showDoneButton | boolean | true | Disable to hide the done button |
onSlideChange | function | void | Called when user goes changes slide (by swiping or pressing next/prev). Function called with arguments index: number, lastIndex: number |
onDone | function | void | Called when user ends the introduction by pressing the done button |
onSkip | function | Scroll the list to the end | Called when user presses the skip button |
Slide object
If you want to use the default slide layout, your slides can contain the following information:
Name | Type | Note |
title | string | The title |
titleStyle | Style -prop | Styling for the title (e.g color, fontSize) |
text | string | Main text of slide |
textStyle | Style -prop | Styling for the text (e.g color, fontSize) |
image | Image -source prop | Slide image |
imageStyle | Style -prop | Styling for the image (e.g. size) |
backgroundColor | string | Slide background color |
Method Name | Arguments | Description |
goToSlide | number | Change to slide with specified index |
getListRef | none | Returns the Flat List ref |
You can run the example Expo-app by cloning the repo:
git clone cd react-native-app-intro-slider/Example yarn yarn start