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Simple and configurable component picker for react native

Table of contents



Just add react-native-picker-box to your project:

yarn add react-native-picker-box

Basic example

Basic example gif android Basic example gif ios


import PickerBox from 'react-native-picker-box';

Using a react-native-picker-box

export default class App extends Component {    state={     data: [       {label: 'Português', value: 'pt'},       {label: 'Deutsch', value: 'de'},       {label: 'English', value: 'en'}     ],     selectedValue: ''   }    render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <Text style={styles.welcome} onPress={() => this.myref.openPicker() }>Press to select language</Text>         <Text style={styles.instructions}>{ this.state.selectedValue }</Text>         <PickerBox           ref={ref => this.myref = ref}           data={ this.state.data }           onValueChange={value => this.setState({ selectedValue: value })}           selectedValue={ this.state.selectedValue }         />       </View>     );   } }

Props and Methods


Name Type Default Required Description
data array none Yes Each item should be in the following format: {label: 'JavaScript', value: 'js'}
onValueChange function null Yes Callback for when an item is selected. This is called with the following parameter: value
selectedValue string none No Value matching value of one of the items. Can be a string or an integer.
maxHeight number - No Custom maxHeight. Is the maximum height for this component.
statusbar boolean true No StatusBar overlapping.
itemTextColor string #757379 No Custom item text color.
separatorColor string #757379 No Custom separator color.
prevTextColor string #572580 No Custom button(prev) text color.


Method Name Arguments Description
openPicker null Open picker. Use refs for open Picker [following the example]


Thanks for being interested on making this package better.

git clone https://github.com/duhwcarvalho/react-native-picker-box.git cd react-native-picker-box react-native upgrade yarn react-native run-android or react-native run-ios



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