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An unopinionated component to handle showing more results that display a certain number of items in a list, then allow a user to show that many more, over and over, until they reach the end of the list.

React Scroll


React Show More

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Ever need a component which allows you to display a certain number of items in a list, then allow a user to show that many more, over and over, until they reach the end of the list?

@tedconf/react-show-more does just that while giving you complete control of your style by using render props.

@tedconf/react-show-more in action


yarn add @tedconf/react-show-more 


import React from 'react'; import ShowMore from '@tedconf/react-show-more';  const MyLongComponent = ({ listItems }) => (   <ShowMore     items={listItems}     by={2}   >     {({       current,       onMore,     }) => (       <React.Fragment>         <ul>           {current.map(item => (             <li               key={item.id}             >               {item.label}             </li>           ))}         </ul>         <button           disabled={!onMore}           onClick={() => { if (!!onMore) onMore(); }}         >           more         </button>       </React.Fragment>     )}   </ShowMore> );  render(   <MyLongComponent     listItems={[       {         id: '1',         label: 'You can grow new brain cells. Here\'s how',       },       {         id: '2',         label: 'The brain may be able to repair itself — with help',       },       {         id: '3',         label: 'Growing evidence of brain plasticity',       },       {         id: '4',         label: 'One more reason to get a good night\'s sleep',       },     ]}   />,   yourEl, );


@tedconf/react-show-more takes a few props:

Required Prop Type Purpose
✔ items Array the entire list of items you'd like to act on
1 by Int the number of items to show at a time
false replace Boolean should it add to the results, or replace them
() => {} onEnd Function the function to be called when reaching the end of the list of items

props passed to the child function

@tedconf/react-show-more provides a function as the child, and that function comes with some useful arguments:

Prop Type Purpose
current Array the currently visible results
by Int same number you passed in as by prop
all Array same array you passed in as items prop
onMore Function | null returns either a function that tells the component to update the current prop with the next result or null, which means there are no results left to show

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