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Smooth scrolls to react component via reference.

React Scroll



Smooth srolls to react component via reference

(To support the server side rendering, please refer to : https://github.com/flyingant/react-scroll-to-component-ssr )


With npm

  npm install react-scroll-to-component --save

With Yarn

  yarn add react-scroll-to-component

scrollToComponent(ref, <options>)

Valid options:
offset : number

Add an offset to the final position. if > 0 then page is moved to the bottom otherwise the page is moved to the top.

align : string

Alignment of the element. Can be one of 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'. Defaulting to 'middle'.

ease : string

Easing function defaulting to "out-circ" (view ease for more)

duration : number

Animation duration defaulting to 1000


import scrollToComponent from 'react-scroll-to-component';  // without options scrollToComponent(this.refs.name);  //with options scrollToComponent(this.refs.name, { 	offset: 1000, 	align: 'top', 	duration: 1500 });


import React, { Component } from 'react'; import './App.css'; import scrollToComponent from 'react-scroll-to-component';  class App extends React.Component {    constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.scrollToTopWithCallback = this.scrollToTopWithCallback.bind(this)   }    componentDidMount() {     scrollToComponent(this.Blue, { offset: 0, align: 'middle', duration: 500, ease:'inCirc'});   }    scrollToTopWithCallback() {     let scroller = scrollToComponent(this.Violet, { offset: 0, align: 'top', duration: 1500});     scroller.on('end', () => console.log('Scrolling end!') );   }    render() {     return (       <div className='main'>         <div className='button_group'>           <button onClick={this.scrollToTopWithCallback}>Go To Violet</button>           <button onClick={() => scrollToComponent(this.Indigo, { offset: 0, align: 'bottom', duration: 500, ease:'inExpo'})}>Go To Indigo</button>           <button onClick={() => scrollToComponent(this.Blue, { offset: -200, align: 'middle', duration: 1500, ease:'inCirc'})}>Go To Blue</button>           <button onClick={() => scrollToComponent(this.Green, { offset: 0, align: 'middle', duration: 500, ease:'inExpo'})}>Go To Green</button>           <button onClick={() => scrollToComponent(this.Yellow, { offset: 0, align: 'top', duration: 1500, ease:'inCirc'})}>Go To Yellow</button>           <button onClick={() => scrollToComponent(this.Orange, { offset: 0, align: 'top', duration: 500, ease:'inCirc'})}>Go To Orange</button>           <button onClick={() => scrollToComponent(this.Red, { offset: 0, align: 'top', duration: 500})}>Go To Red</button>         </div>         <section className='violet' ref={(section) => { this.Violet = section; }}>Violet</section>         <section className='indigo' ref={(section) => { this.Indigo = section; }}>Indigo</section>         <section className='blue' ref={(section) => { this.Blue = section; }}>Blue</section>         <section className='green' ref={(section) => { this.Green = section; }}>Green</section>         <section className='yellow' ref={(section) => { this.Yellow = section; }}>Yellow</section>         <section className='orange' ref={(section) => { this.Orange = section; }}>Orange</section>         <section className='red' ref={(section) => { this.Red = section; }}>Red</section>         <b>Inspired By <a href="https://hopechen1028.github.io/hopechen.me/" target="_blank">Hope</a> with Love and Peace</b>       </div>     )   } }  export default App;



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