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React Scroll is a React component for basic scrolling and smooth scrolling within the document.

React Scroll


React Scroll

Component for animating vertical scrolling.


$ npm install react-scroll


$ npm install $ npm test $ npm start


Checkout examples

Live example







$ npm start


// ES6 Imports import * as Scroll from 'react-scroll'; import { Link, Element , Events, animateScroll as scroll, scrollSpy, scroller } from 'react-scroll'   // Or Access Link,Element,etc as follows let Link       = Scroll.Link; let Element    = Scroll.Element; let Events     = Scroll.Events; let scroll     = Scroll.animateScroll; let scrollSpy  = Scroll.scrollSpy;  // ES5 var React   = require('react'); var Scroll  = require('react-scroll');  var Link       = Scroll.Link; var Element    = Scroll.Element; var Events     = Scroll.Events; var scroll     = Scroll.animateScroll; var scrollSpy  = Scroll.scrollSpy;   var Section = React.createClass({   componentDidMount: function() {      Events.scrollEvent.register('begin', function(to, element) {       console.log("begin", arguments);     });      Events.scrollEvent.register('end', function(to, element) {       console.log("end", arguments);     });      scrollSpy.update();    },   componentWillUnmount: function() {     Events.scrollEvent.remove('begin');     Events.scrollEvent.remove('end');   },   scrollToTop: function() {     scroll.scrollToTop();   },   scrollToBottom: function() {     scroll.scrollToBottom();   },   scrollTo: function() {     scroll.scrollTo(100);   },   scrollMore: function() {     scroll.scrollMore(100);   },   handleSetActive: function(to) {     console.log(to);   },   render: function () {   	return (       <div>         <Link activeClass="active" to="test1" spy={true} smooth={true} offset={50} duration={500} onSetActive={this.handleSetActive}>           Test 1         </Link>         <Link activeClass="active" to="test1" spy={true} smooth={true} offset={50} duration={500} delay={1000}>           Test 2 (delay)         </Link>         <Link className="test6" to="anchor" spy={true} smooth={true} duration={500}>           Test 6 (anchor)         </Link>         <Button activeClass="active" className="btn" type="submit" value="Test 2" to="test2" spy={true} smooth={true} offset={50} duration={500} >           Test 2         </Button>          <Element name="test1" className="element">           test 1         </Element>          <Element name="test2" className="element">           test 2         </Element>          <div id="anchor" className="element">           test 6 (anchor)         </div>           <Link to="firstInsideContainer" containerId="containerElement">           Go to first element inside container         </Link>          <Link to="secondInsideContainer" containerId="containerElement">           Go to second element inside container         </Link>         <div className="element" id="containerElement">           <Element name="firstInsideContainer">             first element inside container           </Element>            <Element name="secondInsideContainer">             second element inside container           </Element>         </div>          <a onClick={this.scrollToTop}>To the top!</a>         <br/>         <a onClick={this.scrollToBottom}>To the bottom!</a>         <br/>         <a onClick={this.scrollTo}>Scroll to 100px from the top</a>         <br/>         <a onClick={this.scrollMore}>Scroll 100px more from the current position!</a>       </div> 	);   } });  React.render(   <Section />,   document.getElementById('example') ); 


activeClass - class applied when element is reached

to - target to scroll to

containerId - container to listen for scroll events and to perform scrolling in

spy - make Link selected when scroll is at its targets position

hashSpy - update hash based on spy, containerId has to be set to scroll a specific element.

smooth - animate the scrolling

offset - scroll additional px ( like padding )

duration - time of the scroll animation - can be a number or a function (function (scrollDistanceInPx) { return duration; }), that allows more granular control at run-time

delay - wait x milliseconds before scroll

isDynamic - in case the distance has to be recalculated - if you have content that expands etc.

onSetActive - invoke whenever link is being set to active

onSetInactive - invoke whenever link is lose the active status

ignoreCancelEvents - ignores events which cancel animated scrolling

<Link activeClass="active"       to="target"       spy={true}       smooth={true}       hashSpy={true}       offset={50}       duration={500}       delay={1000}       isDynamic={true}       onSetActive={this.handleSetActive}       onSetInactive={this.handleSetInactive}       ignoreCancelEvents={false} >   Your name </Link>

Scroll Methods

Scroll To Top

var Scroll = require('react-scroll'); var scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;  scroll.scrollToTop(options); 

Scroll To Bottom

var Scroll = require('react-scroll'); var scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;  scroll.scrollToBottom(options); 

Scroll To (position)

var Scroll = require('react-scroll'); var scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;  scroll.scrollTo(100, options); 

Scroll To (Element)

animateScroll.scrollTo(positionInPixels, props = {});

var Scroll = require('react-scroll'); var Element = Scroll.Element; var scroller = Scroll.scroller;  <Element name="myScrollToElement"></Element>  // Somewhere else, even another file scroller.scrollTo('myScrollToElement', {   duration: 1500,   delay: 100,   smooth: true,   containerId: 'ContainerElementID',   offset: 50, // Scrolls to element + 50 pixels down the page   ... }) 

Scroll More (px)

var Scroll = require('react-scroll'); var scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;  scroll.scrollMore(10, options); 

Scroll events

begin - start of the scrolling

var Scroll = require('react-scroll'); var Events = Scroll.Events;  Events.scrollEvent.register('begin', function(to, element) {   console.log("begin", to, element); }); 

end - end of the scrolling/animation

Events.scrollEvent.register('end', function(to, element) {   console.log("end", to, element); }); 

Remove events

Events.scrollEvent.remove('begin'); Events.scrollEvent.remove('end'); 

Create your own Link/Element

Simply just pass your component to one of the high order components (Element/Scroll)

var React   = require('react'); var Scroll  = require('react-scroll'); var ScrollLink = Scroll.ScrollLink; var ScrollElement = Scroll.ScrollElement;  var Element = React.createClass({   render: function () {     return (       <div {...this.props}>         {this.props.children}       </div>     );   } });  module.exports = ScrollElement(Element);  var Link = React.createClass({   render: function () {     return (       <a {...this.props}>         {this.props.children}       </a>     );   } });  module.exports = ScrollLink(Link); 

Scroll Animations

Add a custom easing animation to the smooth option. This prop will accept a Boolean if you want the default, or any of the animations listed below

scroller.scrollTo('myScrollToElement', {   duration: 1500,   delay: 100,   smooth: "easeInOutQuint",   containerId: 'ContainerElementID',   ... }) 

List of currently available animations:

linear 	- no easing, no acceleration. easeInQuad 	- accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutQuad 	- decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutQuad 	- acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. easeInCubic 	- accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutCubic 	- decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutCubic 	- acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. easeInQuart 	- accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutQuart 	- decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutQuart 	-  acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. easeInQuint 	- accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutQuint 	- decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutQuint 	- acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. 

A good visual reference can be found at easings.net


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