The package will generate a mega menu up to 10 columns
- The mega menu will take the entire width and height of the pareant container
- The width of each mega menu columns is decided by the maximum depth of the nodeList (The menu isn't responsive.Hope to fix this soon :)
- If itemId is specified in a node, onNodeClick will outputs the selected item with provided itemId
Attribute | Type | Default Values | Description |
nodeList | array | [] | Node List description |
width | string | "100%" | Width of the mega menu |
height | string | "100%" | Height of the Mega menu |
itemIdSeperator | string | "/" | Node identifier seperator |
onNodeClick | func | Function to invoke when mega menu item is clicked |
View sample nodeList objectimport MegaMenu from "react-awesome-mega-menu"; <MegaMenu nodeList={nodeList} onNodeClick={val => console.log(val)} />
$ npm i react-awesome-mega-menu --save
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