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A typeahead/autocomplete component for Vue.js 2 based applications.




typeahead for vue2
Based onhttps://github.com/pespantelis/vue-typeahead

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demo Demo

Run demo

# install dependencies npm install  # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev 


Prepared rewrite by vue2.5 and bootstrap 4

How to use

  1. Please install axios
  2. It base on bootstrap css
  3. npm install vue2-typeahead --save
  4. import and use it import TypeAhead from 'vue2-typeahead' or import TypeAhead from 'vue2-typeahead/src/components/TypeAhead.vue'
  5. config (you can get a config sample from Demo.vue)


 <TypeAhead       src="/static/data.json?keyword=:keyword"       :getResponse="getResponse"     ></TypeAhead>  
methods: {       getResponse: function (response) {         return response.data.items       }     } 

Config props


You can get the result by set v-model="" attribute


  1. src: The api url for get the data
  2. getResponse: The function to get a array form response


  1. selectFirst default:false auto select first item
  2. queryParamName default::keyword this will be replace to what you input in ajax request
  3. limit default:9999 how many items will show in the list
  4. minChars default:2 only words length large than this number can emit the request
  5. delayTime default:500 delay time for emit the request for avoiding request when inputing
  6. placeholder default:null placeholder
  7. classes default:null the class you want add to input component
  8. onHit default:Function how to use the things you hit
  9. highlighting default:Function highlighting every item
  10. render default:Function to render the lists which will be show
  11. fetch default:Function how to send the url

What you can get in instance

Some function will return vue object, it is the instance of component and i use it to change the query, you can also get some useful data by it

  1. items: option list after render function
  2. current: current id is select or cursor is hover
  3. data: the response data of fetch

A Complete Config Sample

<TypeAhead       v-model="data"       :classes="classes"       :placeholder="placeholder"       src="/static/data.json?keyword=:keyword"       :getResponse="getResponse"       :selectFirst="selectFirst"       :limit="parseInt(limit)"       :queryParamName="queryParamName"       :minChars="parseInt(minChars)"       :delayTime="parseInt(delayTime)"       :onHit="onHit"       :highlighting="highlighting"       :render="render"       :fetch="fetch"     ></TypeAhead> 
    data () {       return {         data: '',         selectFirst: false,         limit: 9999,         queryParamName: ':keyword',         minChars: 2,         delayTime: 500,         placeholder: 'Please input something',         classes: 'typeahead'       }     },     methods: {       getResponse: function (response) {         return response.data.data.items       },       onHit: function (item, vue, index) {         vue.query = item       },       highlighting: function (item, vue) {         return item.toString().replace(vue.query, `<b>${vue.query}</b>`)       },       render: function (items, vue) {         // 将搜索内容作为list的第一个         let newItem = [vue.query, ...items]         return newItem       },       fetch: function (url) {         return axios.get(url)       }     },     components: {       TypeAhead     } 


vue2-typeahead is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.

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