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A Bootstrap themeable Vue.js form builder which allows to build complex reactive form layouts using JSON. Formation relies on Bootstrap.css for styling and it must be included in your project for formation to work properly. You may also use bootstrap themes like Bootswatch.




A Bootstrap themeable Vue.js form builder

Note: This project is still under initial development and provides limited support/documentation

Project Page


Formation relies on Bootstrap.css for styling and it must be included in your project for formation to work properly. You may also use bootstrap themes like Bootswatch


import { Formation } from 'vue-formation' import 'bootstrap.css' import 'bootstrap-theme.css' // optional  new Vue({   el: '#app',   components: { Formation },   template: '<formation :data.sync="formData" :config="formConfig"></formation>',   data: {     formData: {       firstName: '',       lastName: ''     },     formConfig: {       rows: [         {           columns: [             {               type: 'text',               label: 'First Name',               model: 'firstName'             },             {               type: 'text',               label: 'Last Name',               model: 'lastName'             }           ]         },         {           columns: [             {               type: 'button',               text: 'OK',               class: 'btn-primary',               iconClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',               onClick (event, vm) {                 vm.validate()                 console.log(vm.data)               }             }           ]         }       ]     }   } })

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