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Schema-based form generator for Vue.js 2+, based on Vuetify.




Imagine you get the following data object in JSON format and have to edit it now.

Value: {   name: 'Jumo',   position: 'Coder',   tasks: [     {        done: true,       title: 'make refactoring'      },     {        done: false,       title: 'write documentation'       },     {        done: true,       title: 'remove logs'       }           ]         } 

Normally you have to flatten the data structure and then map all to an appropriate form. Then you have to define a HTML-Form and animate it with your data.

With Vuetify-Form-Base create a Schema Object with the same structure as your Data.

Schema: {   name: {type:'text', label:'Name', flex:{ xs:12, sm:6 } },   position: {type:'text', label:'Position', flex:{ xs:12, sm:6 } },   tasks: { type: 'array', flex:12, schema: { done:{ type:'checkbox', label:'done', flex:3}, title:{ type:'text'}, flex:9 } }, }   

and you will get a full reactive, editable Form:


You have to create a lot of different Forms? You have to manipulate or edit Data presented in JS-Objects?

Then give Vuetify-Form-Base a Try. This Schema-based Form Generator is a Vue.js 2.0 Component and can simplify your Job by automatically creating full editable Forms. Edit this Forms and get reactive Results.

Vuetify-Form-Base uses the well known Component Framework Vuetify to style and layout your Form. Vuetify Controls have a clear, minimalistic design, and support responsive Design.


Look for an Example on Github


Download Project, change current directory to ../vuetify-form-base/example and then run

npm install

npm run serve


vuetify-form-base is a Vue Component and can easily integrated into any Vue Project.

The Schema-Object has the same structure as the Value-Object. Create a Schema by cloning the Value-Object and replace the Values of the Data-Object by Definitions for your your Schema. The corresponding Schema-Object defines type, layout and functional behaviour of your Form.

Form Example

The Component Framework Vuetify styles your Form. The Controls have a clear design, but don't worry you can change your style in a lot of ways. For more details see section Style with CSS

Based on an existing Value-Object vuetify-form-base generates a full editable Form. Layout and Functionality are defined in a Schema-Object, which has the same Property structure as the Value-Object. Your Data-Object keeps full reactive and any Input or Change in your Form triggers an Event too. If you have a deep nested Value-Object or an Array -Structure you can direct work on it. There is no need to flatten or modify your Data-Presentation.

Form Example

Changing any Field in the Form gives you a reactive Result in your Value-Object. Furthermore you can synchronize two or more Forms by using same Value-Object.

If you want a Partial-Form which displays only parts of your Data.Object, then link a property of your Data-Object to your vuetify-form-base Component.

And if necessary you can also build a Form in Form by using Slots.

Use the v-on directive of Vue.js to listen to Formbase triggered Events for 'Resize', 'Focus', 'Input', 'Click' and 'Swipe'. Listening to 'Update' will catch all Events.

Select Types from Vuetify UI Input & Controls like Textfield, Password, Email, Textarea, Checkbox, Radio, Switches, Sliders, Combobox, Autocomplete, Select, Combobox, Date- or Timepicker. There are some other types like 'array' and 'list'.

More Informations to Vuetify Textfields find here.


For proper working you need a Vue.js Project with Vuetify installed. For more Details see Vuetify Quickstart.

npm install vuetify-form-base --save 

vuetify-form-base is a Vue.js single-file component with a .vue extension and you can use it like any Vue-Component.

In order for your application to work properly, you must wrap it in a v-app component. This component is required and can exist anywhere inside the body, but must be the parent of ALL Vuetify components. v-content needs to be a direct descendant of v-app.

<template>   <v-app>     <v-content>       <v-container fluid>         <v-form>           <v-form-base :value="myValue" :schema="mySchema" />                   </v-form>                         </v-container>           </v-content>   </v-app>>       </template>  import VFormBase from 'vuetify-form-base';    export default {	   components:{ VFormBase },   data () {     return {       myValue: {         name: 'Jumo',         password: '123456',         email: '[email protected]',         checkbox: true,         select: 'Jobs',       },          mySchema: {         name: { type: 'text', label: 'Name' },         password: { type: 'password', label: 'Password' },         email: { type: 'email', label: 'Email' },         checkbox: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Checkbox' },         select: { type: 'select', label: 'Select', items: ['Tesla', 'Jobs', 'Taleb'] }       }     }   } } 

and you will get a full editable Form based on your schema and filled with your Value-Object.

Basic Form


Properties in 'myValue' without corresponding Prop in 'mySchema', are ignored and keep untouched, but a initial warning will be logged to console

Example displaying nested Data-Object

In Reality sometimes you will have deep nested objects or arrays, which should be edited. vuetify-form-base works for you and flatten internally this nested object and build a plain Form.

  myValue: {     name: 'Base',     controls:{       selection:{         select: 'Tesla',         selectM: ['Jobs'],       },       switch: [ true,false ],       checkbox: [ false, true, {          checkboxArray: [ true, false ]}       ]     }          },    mySchema: {     name: { type: 'text', label: 'Name'},     controls:{       selection:{         select: { type: 'select', label: 'Select', items: ['Tesla', 'Jobs', 'Taleb'] },                 selectM: { type: 'select', label: 'M-Select', multiple:true, items: ['Tesla', 'Jobs', 'Taleb']}       },       switch: [          { type: 'switch', label: '1' },          { type: 'switch', label: '2' }        ],       checkbox: [         { type: 'checkbox', label: 'A' },         { type: 'checkbox', label: 'B' },          { checkboxArray: [           { type: 'checkbox', label: 'C-A', color:'red' },           { type: 'checkbox', label: 'C-B', color:'red' }         ]}         ],     }   } 

Form Example

Example editing Data-Arrays

For editing arrays use the type 'array' and define an nested 'schema' property.

mySchema: {   tasks: {     type: 'array',     schema: {        done: { type: 'checkbox'  },        title: { type: 'text' }     }   }   } 

Type Array - Schema object

myValue: {         tasks: [     {       done: true,       title: 'make refactoring'     },     {       done: true,       title: 'write documentation'     },     {       done: true,       title: 'remove logs'     }   ] }, mySchema: {   tasks: {     type: 'array',     schema: {        done: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Ok', flex: 3 },        title: { type: 'text', flex: 8 },                 }   } } 

Form Example

Computed Schema

IF you want Schema Properties to be changed dynamic, then you must make your Schema Object a computed property. This Example turns the Radio Layout from Column to Row on Resizing to medium Size or greater.

data () {   return {      myValue: {       radio: 'A',     }    }    }, computed: {              mySchema(){      return {       radio: { type: 'radio', row: this.row, options:['A','B'] }     }   },    row () {     return this.$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp    } }, 

Vuetify Layout and Grid

Integrate Vuetify Grid by using the Schema-Properties 'flex', 'offset' and 'order':

mySchema: {   name: { type: 'text', flex: 4, offset: 2, order: 1 }, }  flex: 4     // shorthand for flex: { xs:4 } offset: 2   // shorthand for offset: { xs:2 } order: 1    // shorthand for order: { xs:1 } 

A more responsive Solution with 'flex', 'offset' or 'order' needs an Object as Value. For more Details see Vuetify Documentation:

Vuetify - Grid: flex: { xs:12, sm:8, md:6, lg:4 }

Vuetify - Offset: offset: { xs:0, sm:1, md:2, lg:2 }

Vuetify - Order: order: { xs:1, sm:1, md:2, lg:2 }

Link & Synchronize

Forms can be linked together using the same Value-Object. Changes in one Form are synchronized and reflected in the other Form.

<v-form-base :value="myValue" :schema="mySchema" />  <v-form-base id="form-sync" :value="myValue" :schema="mySchema" /> 

Vuetify Controls API-Props

Vuetify Controls have a API with Props These Props in Vuetify-Controls comes in kebab-case amd must for use in Schema-Object converted to CamelCase

<!-- vuetifyjs.com --> Input & Controls   Text-fields     API-Props          append-icon       background-color   <!-- JS --> mySchema: {    name: { type:'text', appendIcon:'menu', backgroundColor': 'red' },   ... } 


<form-base :schema="schema" ... /> 

Schema is an JS-Object, which defines and controls the behavior of your Form. Each Key Prop) in your Schema-Object must reflect a Key from your Data-Object. A minimalistic Definition of a text input could look like this:

schema:{   name: { type:'text'}   } 

The next shows a more complex Schema:

// Partials Functions for Rules const minLen = l => v => (v && v.length >= l) || `min. ${l} Characters` const maxLen = l => v => (v && v.length <= l) || `max. ${l} Characters` const required = msg => v => !!v || msg const validEmail: msg => v => /.+@.+\..+/.test(v) || msg  // Destruct Value and return a Value!  const toUpper = ( {value} ) => value && value.toUpperCase()   export default {    components: { VFormBase },   data () {     return {              myValue: {         name: 'Base',         password: '123456',         email: '[email protected]'       },                      mySchema: {         name: {            type: 'text',            label: 'Name',            hint:'Converts to UpperCase'           toCtrl: toUpper,            fromCtrl:toUpper,           rules: [ required('Name is required<>) ]            flex: 12,          },         password: {            type: 'password',            label: 'Password',            hint:'Between 6-12 Chars',            appendIcon: 'visibility',            counter: 12,            rules: [ minLen(6), maxLen(12) ],            clearable: true,            flex: 12          },         email: {            type: 'email',            label: 'Email',            rules: [ validEmail('No valid Email'), required('Email is required<>) ],            flex: 12          }       }     }   } } 

Available Properties in Schema

For further Props see Vuetify Controls API

schema:{      type: string            // text, password, email, radio, switch, slider,                           // combobox, autocomplete, select, combobox, date, time,  ...        sort: N                 // use simple order to display items    order: N or Object      // use Vuetify-Grid to order items responsive     flex: N or Object       // See Vuetify Grid   offset: N or Object     // See Vuetify Grid    label string,           // label of item       placeholder: string,    // placeholder    hint: string,           // additional Info      color: string   backgroundColor:string   css: string,            // inject classnames - schema:{ name:{ css:'small'}, ...  }        mask: string,           // regex to control input      multiple: bool,         // used by type: select, combobox, autocomplete       required: bool,         // need an input value   hidden: bool,           // hide item - set from another item   disabled: bool,            readonly: bool,                      appendIcon: icon        // click triggers event with icon-location   prependIcon: icon       // click triggers event with icon-location    items: array            // ['A','B'] used by type: select, combobox, autocomplete      options: array,         // ['A','B'] used by type:radio   rules: array of Fn      // [ value => true || false, ... ]      // must return a (modified) value!!   toCtrl: function,       // ( {value, obj, data, schema} ) => value	   fromCtrl: function,     // ( {value, obj, data, schema} ) => value } 


We can use the v-on directive to listen to vuetify-form-base events 'focus', 'input', 'click', 'resize', 'swipe', 'update' and run some Code when they’re triggered.

This Example use the Default ID and listen all events with 'update':

<!-- HTML --> <v-form-base :value= "myValue" :schema= "mySchema" @update= "update" /> 

This has a Custom ID and listen all events in separate methods. Your v-on Directive must append the Custom ID:

<!-- HTML --> <v-form-base id = "form-base-simple" :value= "myValue" :schema= "mySchema" @update:form-base-simple= "update" /> <v-form-base    id = "form-base-complete"   :value= "myValue"    :schema= "mySchema"     @resize:form-base-complete= "resizeCode"   @focus:form-base-complete= "focusCode"   @click:form-base-complete= "clickCode"   @swipe:form-base-complete= "swipeCode"   @input:form-base-complete= "inputCode" /> 

The Event-Signature:

update( { on, id, key, value, obj, event, params, size, data, schema } ){   // destructure the signature object    // ... on, id, key, value, obj, event, params, size, data, schema  }  on - Trigger Name   // focus | input | click | resize | swipe or update to listen all  id - Formbase-ID key - key of triggering Element value - value of triggering Element obj - triggering Element { key, value, schema }  params - params object if available { x, y, pos, icon }     event - the native trigger-event if available  data - Data-Object schema - Schema-Object 

Example: Use 'Update' Event to control Visibility of Password Element

<!-- HTML --> <v-form-base :value="myValue" :schema="mySchema" @update="update">  <!-- JS --> // Schema mySchema: {   password:{ type:'password', appendIcon:'visibility', .... } }  ...  update ({ on, key, obj, params }) {   // test event is 'click' and comes from appendIcon on key 'password'   if (on == 'click' && key == 'password' && (params && params.pos) == 'append') {              // toggle icon     obj.schema.appendIcon = obj.schema.type === 'password'        ? 'lock'        : 'visibility'      // toggle visibility      obj.schema.type = obj.schema.type === 'password'        ? 'text'        : 'password'   } } 


Use Slots to pass Header and Footer into a Control. If necessary replace Controls by Slots. Any slot could be a v-form-base component itself.

<v-form-base :value="myValue" :schema="mySchema" @update="update">    <h4 slot="slot-top-key-name">Top Slot on Key Name</h4>   <h4 slot="slot-top-type-radio">Top Slot on Types Radio</h4>      <h4 slot="slot-item-key-password">Slot replaces Key Password</h4>      <h4 slot="slot-bottom-key-name">Bottom Slot Key Name</h4>   <h4 slot="slot-bottom-type-radio">Bottom Slot on Types Radio</h4>  </v-form-base> 

Slots in Blue

Form Validation

If you need Form Validation you have to wrap v-form-base with v-form and take the reference of v-form for working on.

<!-- HTML -->     <v-form ref="form" v-model= "formValid" lazy-validation>   <v-form-base :value= "myValue" :schema= "mySchema" @update= "update"/> </v-form>  <!-- JS --> validate () {   this.$refs.form.validate() },  resetValidation () {   this.$refs.form.resetValidation() }, 

Style with CSS

Customize your vuetify-form-base component using CSS-Classnames

Don't use <style scoped> in parents component, because scoped definitions are inside the child component not accessable

Formbase - ID

#form-base is the default ID of your component. If you need different CSS for two or more forms in the same parent component, then change default value by setting a different ID for each component and use this new ID. Using a 'custom-id' you have to modify the event-binding to @update:custom-id = "update"

<!-- Default ID CSS-Style -->   	 #form-base {...}   <!-- HTML-Template -->    <v-form-base @update= "update" />   

<!-- Custom-ID CSS-Style -->   	 #custom-id {...}   <!-- HTML-Template -->    <v-form-base id="custom-id" @update:custom-id= "update" />   

General - Classname

#form-base  {...}               

Type - Classnames

Style all items of a specific type, then use type specific classnames. They start with type- appended by any type. You can use following types in your Schema-Object:

'text', 'email', 'password', 'textarea', 'select', 'autocomplete', 'combobox', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'slider', 'switch', 'date', 'time'

#form-base .type-text { color: #44A }}           	   #form-base .type-email { font-weight:500; }   

Key - Classnames

Set Classname of deep key in your Data-Object, by converting .dot notation 'person.adress.city' into kebab case 'person-adress-city' prepending 'key-'

<!--      myValue{ person:{ adress:{ city:'',... } ... } ... }    CSS Classname to access to key 'city' --> #form-base .key-person-adress-city { font-weight:500; }       <!--    Access to myValue: { name:'' }   CSS Classname to access key 'name' 	        --> #form-base .key-name { font-weight:500; }              <!--    myValue: { controls: { slide: [25, 64]  }    Access First Entry in Array of Key Slide  --> #form-base .key-controls-slide-0 { font-weight:500; }   

Validate with Pseudoselectors

#form-base .item input:valid { background-color: #afa; } #form-base .type-email input:invalid { background-color: #faa; } #form-base .key-name input:focus { background-color: #ffd; }    

CSS - Example

<!-- JS --> myValue: {     name: 'Base',     password: '123456',     email: '[email protected]',     controls: {       checkbox: true,       switch: true,       slider: 33,       radioA: 'A',       radioB: 'B'     }   }   <!-- CSS  --> <style>   #form-base {      border: 1px solid #cb2;      background-color: #ffe;      padding:2rem    }      /* CSS Item --- set all items  */   #form-base .item {      border-left: 1px dashed #29D;      border-top: 1px dashed #29D;      padding:1rem    }    /* CSS Type --- set all items with type */   #form-base .type-switch { border-bottom: 3px solid #E23}   #form-base .type-checkbox { background-color: #fdd }    /* CSS Keys --- select key in object 'myValue.controls.slider' */   #form-base .key-controls-slider { background-color: #fec } </style> 

Slots in Blue


  • Vue-Component
  • integrates UI framework Vuetify with responsive Layout and Support of Grid
  • Use a lot of Vuetify Control & Input types inclusive available API-Props
  • Get full configurable Forms based on Schema Definition
  • Edit plain or deep nested objects including Arrays, without the Need to flatten it
  • Get a Full reactive Result
  • Listen on 'Resize', 'Focus', 'Input', 'Click', 'Swipe' and 'Update' Events
  • Use Slots to pass Header and Footer into a Control. Or replace a Control by Slot
  • Configurable CSS Style


Vue >= 2.4

Vuetify >= 1.4

Lodash > 4.0

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vuetify-form-base is available under the MIT license.

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