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The emoji-vue component generates an emoji picker inside the input field that allows the user to select an emoji from the dropdown list.




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A Vue.js project implementing a input field addon allowing to add emojis via dropdown.

dependencies status

Install ⚙️

npm i emoji-vue --save 

emoji-vue preview image

Use 😎👌🏻

import VueEmoji from 'emoji-vue'   //in component def   methods: {       onInput(event) {           //event.data contains the value of the textarea       },       clearTextarea(){         this.$refs.emoji.clear()       },     },   components: {     VueEmoji   }  //in template section <VueEmoji ref="emoji" @input="onInput" :value="myText" /> 

Event & properties 📕 📗 📘 📙

@input - event generated when content of textarea with emoji selector is changed.

value - property to place initial content of the textarea.

width - sets width of visible textarea in px; defaults to '200px'.

height - sets height of visible textarea in px; defaults to '50px'.

Build Setup 🧠 ❤️

# install dependencies npm install  # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev  # build for production with minification npm run build

Project uses the following setup: guide and docs for vue-loader.

Check the DEMO


Based on code from https://github.com/OneSignal/emoji-picker

Create an issue or ping me on twitter @legkoletat



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