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The awesome-mask runs with Vue.js and uses the vanilla-masker to make your form awesome with masks.



The awesome-mask runs with Vue.js and uses the vanilla-masker to make your form awesome with masks. Download Count Npm Version

You can use patterns like:

<input type="text" v-mask="'99/99'" /> // Turns 1224 in 12/24
<input type="text" v-mask="'(99) 9999-9999'" /> // Turns 1149949944 in (11) 4994-9944
<input type="text" v-mask="'AAA-9999'" /> // Turns ABC1234 in ABC-1234

You can also format money:

<input type="text" v-mask="'money'" /> // Turns 123499 in 1.234,99

This directive can also receive a object from your data like:

<template>   <p>     <input v-mask="mask" type="text">   </p> </template>  <script>  export default {    data() {      return {        mask: '999.999.999-99'      }    }  } </script>

Sample using import:

<script> import Component from './components/Component' import AwesomeMask from 'awesome-mask'  export default {   name: 'app',   components: {     Component   },   directives: {     'mask': AwesomeMask   } } </script>


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