Vue Masked Input
Dead simple masked input component for Vue.js 2.X. Based on inputmask-core.
Live Demo
npm install vue-masked-input --save
Use it with v-model
just like a native html input with the mask
<masked-input v-model="date" mask="11/11/1111" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy" />
The following format characters define editable parts of the mask (see inputmask-core):
- numbera
- letterA
- letter, forced to upper case when entered*
- alphanumeric#
- alphanumeric, forced to upper case when entered+
- any character
Static characters
If you need to include one of these characters as a static part of the mask, you can escape them with a preceding backslash:
<masked-input v-model="phone" mask="\+\1 (111) 111-1111" placeholder="Phone number" type="tel" />
Raw input
You can also get a raw user input text if you want. Instead of using v-model you might need second argument of the input event:
<masked-input mask="\+\1 (111) 1111-11" placeholder="Phone" @input="rawVal = arguments[1]" />
Placeholder character
Placeholder character is customizable by placeholder-char
<masked-input v-model="phone" mask="\+\1 (111) 111-1111" placeholder-char="-" placeholder="Phone number" type="tel" />
Custom mask object
You can use your own mask options object, it will be passed to the inputmask-core constructor:
<masked-input v-model="custom" placeholder="Custom" :mask="{ pattern: 'VVVV', formatCharacters: { 'V': { validate: char => /[a-jA-J]/.test(char), transform: char => char.toUpperCase(), }, }, }" />
Known issues/TODO
- Cut in mobile Chrome
- Cyrillic chars are not supported in mobile Chrome
- Backspace problems in mobile Chrome
Found more? It's open for feedback and pull requests