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Slide Bar is a Vue.js component that lets you create customizable range slider controls in your web app.



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🎢 Vue Slide Bar

A Simple Vue Slider Bar Component.


Document & Demo Page


npm install vue-slide-bar --save


yarn add vue-slide-bar


// main.js import Vue from 'vue' import VueSlideBar from 'vue-slide-bar'  Vue.component('VueSlideBar', VueSlideBar)


// xxx.vue import VueSlideBar from 'vue-slide-bar'  export default {   components: {     VueSlideBar   } }


<template>   <VueSlideBar v-model="value"/> </template>  <script> export default {   data () {     return {       value: 50     }   } } </script>

With Label

<template>   <div>     <VueSlideBar       v-model="slider.value"       :data="slider.data"       :range="slider.range"       :labelStyles="{ color: '#4a4a4a', backgroundColor: '#4a4a4a' }"       :processStyle="{ backgroundColor: '#d8d8d8' }"       @callbackRange="callbackRange">       <template slot="tooltip" slot-scope="tooltip">         <img src="static/images/rectangle-slider.svg">       </template>     </VueSlideBar>     <h2>Value: {{slider.value}}</h2>     <h2>Label: {{rangeValue.label}}</h2>   </div> </template>  <script> import VueSlideBar from 'vue-slide-bar'  export default {   data () {     return {       rangeValue: {},       slider: {         value: 45,         data: [           15,           30,           45,           60,           75,           90,           120         ],         range: [           {             label: '15 mins'           },           {             label: '30 mins',             isHide: true           },           {             label: '45 mins'           },           {             label: '1 hr',             isHide: true           },           {             label: '1 hr 15 mins'           },           {             label: '1 hr 30 mins',             isHide: true           },           {             label: '2 hrs'           }         ]       }     }   },   methods: {     callbackRange (val) {       this.rangeValue = val     }   },   components: {     VueSlideBar   } } </script>

Custom Style & Min-Max

<template>   <div>     <VueSlideBar       v-model="value2"       :min="1"       :max="10"       :processStyle="slider.processStyle"       :lineHeight="slider.lineHeight"       :tooltipStyles="{ backgroundColor: 'red', borderColor: 'red' }">     </VueSlideBar>     <h2>Value: {{value2}}</h2>   </div> </template>  <script> import VueSlideBar from 'vue-slide-bar'  export default {   data () {     return {       value2: 8,       slider: {         lineHeight: 10,         processStyle: {           backgroundColor: 'red'         }       }     }   },   components: {     VueSlideBar   } } </script>


<template>   <div>     <VueSlideBar       v-model="loading"       :showTooltip="false"       :lineHeight="20"       :isDisabled="true"/>     <br>     <button type="button" name="button" @click="startLoad()">       Click to start load     </button>     <h2>Loading: {{loading}}%</h2>   </div> </template>  <script> import VueSlideBar from 'vue-slide-bar'  export default {   data () {     return {       loader: null,       loading: 0     }   },   methods: {     startLoad () {       this.loader = setInterval(() => {         this.loading++         if (this.loading === 100) {           console.log('clear', this.loading)           clearInterval(this.loader)         }       }, 100)     }   }   components: {     VueSlideBar   } } </script>



Props Type Default Description
v-model Number,String 0 Initial value (v-model)
min Number 0 Minimum value
max Number 100 Maximum value
process-style Object null Process bar style.
tooltip-styles Object null Tooltip style.
label-style Object null Label style.
data Array null Custom data.
is-disabled Boolean false Flag for disable slider bar
draggable Boolean true Flag for active/disable draggable
show-tooltip Boolean true Flag display tooltip
icon-width Number 20 Icon width
line-height Number 5 Line height
speed Number 0.5 Transition time
paddingless Boolean false Remove padding and min-height


Name Description
input triggered on value change
callbackRange triggered on range value change
dragStart triggered on start drag
dragEnd triggered on stop drag


Name Description
tooltip Customize the tooltip slot.

# When using the template element as a slot, can add special properties slot-scope to get the value.


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create new branch with feature name.
  3. Run npm install and npm run dev.
  4. Create your feature.
  5. Commit and set commit message with feature name.
  6. Push your code to your fork repository.
  7. Create pull request. 🙂


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Developed with ❤️ and ☕️

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