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An awesome switch (toggle button) component for Vue.




An awesome switch component for Vue.(一个帅气的Vue开关组件。)

Build Setup(构建安装)

# Before doing so, make sure Vue(>2.2) is installed correctly.(在此之前,请确保Vue(>2.2)已正确安装。) # install Qswitch for your project.(为你的项目安装Qswitch。) npm install qswitch --save


import Qswitch from 'path/to/Qswitch' Vue.use(Qwsitch)


In order to achieve twoway binding, must set the v-model attribute for Qswitch. (为了实现双向绑定,必须设置v-model属性。)

<div> 	<h2>Qswitch default v-model: {{ ref_to_checked }}</h2> 	<qswitch v-model="ref_to_checked" :value="val"></qswitch> </div>
  import Qswitch from './components/Qswitch.vue'    export default {     name: 'app',     data() {       return {         msg: 'An awesome switch component for Vue.',         val: 'I am value',         ref_to_checked: false       }     },     components: {       'qswitch': Qswitch     }   }

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font awesome is required in order to dispaly icon for Qswitch.(需要 font awesome才能显示Qswitch的图标。)


Name Type Default Description
name String The name attribute of the <input type="checkbox" /> element in the Qswitch componnent.(Qswitch组件中<input type ="checkbox"/>元素的name属性的值。)
value String false The value attribute of the <input type="checkbox" /> element in the Qswitch componnent.(Qswitch组件中<input type ="checkbox"/>元素的value属性的值。)
checked Boolean false The checked attribute of the <input type="checkbox" /> element in the Qswitch componnent.(Qswitch组件中<input type ="checkbox"/>元素的checked属性的值。)
type String default The type of Qswitch componnent, allow values: defaulttexticon and 3d.(Qswitch组件的类型,允许值为:defaulttexticon3d。)
size String default The size of Qswitch componnent, allow values: defaultminismall and big.(Qswitch组件的大小,允许值为:defaultminismallbig。)
icon String The icon of Qswitch componnent, allow values: happylockcheckcheck2check3 and check4.(Qswitch组件的图标,允许值为:happylockcheckcheck2check3check4。)
color String blue The color of Qswitch componnent, allow values: blackaquabluefuchsiagreen , lime, maroonnavyoliveorangepurple , redsilvergrayteal and yellow.(Qswitch组件的颜色,允许值为:blackaquabluefuchsiagreenlimemaroonnavyoliveorangepurpleredsilvergraytealyellow。)
pill Boolean false The Qswitch componnent dispaly as a pill shape.(Qswitch组件已胶囊形状显示。)
outline Boolean false The Qswitch componnent dispaly as an outline shape.(Qswitch组件已轮廓形状显示。)
alt Boolean false The Qswitch componnent dispaly as the default but outline shape.(Qswitch组件已默认加轮廓形状显示。)
text_on String The text of the Qswitch componnent when it is on. Only valid when type is text.(Qswitch组件处于开启状态时显示的文字。只有在typetext`的时候有效。)
text_off String The text of the Qswitch componnent when it is off. Only valid when type is text.(Qswitch组件处于关闭状态时显示的文字。只有在typetext`的时候有效。)


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