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A jQuery plugin which dynamically generates a nested side navigation (TOC) from heading tags within the document, with support for scrollspy functionality.

bootstrap-4 Bootstrap scrollspy Table-of-Contents



by Michael Tallino @psalmody

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jQuery plugin to dynamically generate a .nav outline and setup Bootstrap scrollspy.

Bootstrap 4 works now - see notes at the end on how to use it.


Include Bootstrap 3+ or 4+ and jQuery 1.11+ or 2.0+ or 3.0+.

Download from GitHub Project Page or:


bower install dynamic-scrollspy 


npm install dynamic-scrollspy 


<script type="text/javascript" src="build/dynamicscrollspy.min.js"></script>


Basic usage: setup a div or nav area to put the auto-generated nav outline in.

Requires all H1 - H6 tags live at the same DOM level.



Options may be specified at time of initiation:

$('#somediv').DynamicScrollspy({   affix: true, //affix by default, doesn't work on Bootstrap 4   tH: 2, //lowest-level header to be included (H2)   bH: 6, //highest-level header to be included (H6)   exclude: false, //exclude from the tree/outline any H tags matching this jquery selector   genIDs: false, //generate random IDs for headers?   offset: 100, //offset from viewport top for scrollspy   ulClassNames: 'hidden-print', //add this class to top-most UL   activeClass: '', //active class (besides .active) to add to LI   testing: false //if testing, append heading tagName and ID to each heading })

Destroy / Rebuild

Destroy with:


Or just refresh by calling again. Settings will be saved from first call unless overriden at this time:


Horizontal Nav scrollspy

It is possible to use this package for a top/bottom navbar style scrollspy.

See /tests/horizontal.html for an example. Mainly, settings would require changes:

$('#somediv').DynamicScrollspy({   affix: false, //needs to be false, instead setup navbar with affix if needed   ulClassNames: 'navbar-nav', //the #somediv should be the navbar-collapse div   tH: 2, //this is the default anyway   bH: 2 //likely need to limit to one level of H* tags so the nav isn't unweildy })

CSS - Bootstrap 3

Some example CSS for styling a right-side list (like on Bootstrap's docs pages) Also see /tests/basic.html.

/* nav */ .nav {   padding-left: 0px; } /* all anchors */ .nav > li > a {   padding: 3px;   border-left: 0px rgba(0,0,0,0); } /* first level */ .nav li >  a {   padding-left: 10px; } /* second */ .nav .nav li >  a {   padding-left: 20px;   font-size:.9em; } /* third */ .nav .nav .nav li >  a {   padding-left: 30px;   font-size:.8em; } /* fourth */ .nav .nav .nav .nav li >  a {   padding-left: 40px; } /* fifth */ .nav .nav .nav .nav .nav li >  a {   padding-left: 50px; } /* active link */ li.active > a {   font-weight:bold;   border-left: 2px solid gray; } /* hide second level lists */ .nav .nav {   display:none; } /* show second-level when active */ .nav > .active > .nav {   display: block; }

Bootstrap 4

Affix doesn't exist in Bootstrap 4. You'll need some extra CSS to make things work:

/* Bootstrap 4 Differences */ #scrollspy>ul.nav {   /* for affix if wanted */   position: fixed;   /* vertical orientation */   flex-direction: column; } /* bootstrap 4 puts the scrollspy .active on      the <a> instead of the <li> item */ .nav>li>a.active {     font-weight: bold;     border-left: 2px solid gray; } /* need to see the child <ul> */ .nav-link.active+ul.nav.child {     display: block; }


Feel free! Fork it, create a branch, etc.

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