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Twbs Pagination is a jQuery & Bootstrap 3 powered pagination plugin which allows you to page the long text content for better readability.

Bootstrap bootstrap-4 Pagination


jQuery pagination plugin (bootstrap powered)

Basic usage

Plugin requires jQuery (required - 1.7.0 or higher).

You can use Bootstrap CSS styles and markup (or use your own).

The following code shows call the function on <ul> tag (it can be also <div> tag).

$('#pagination-demo').twbsPagination({   totalPages: 35,   visiblePages: 7,   onPageClick: function (event, page) {     $('#page-content').text('Page ' + page);   } });


For development use grunt build to make minified file. To use grunt install packages by using: npm install

Demo and Docs

For more information see docs on github pages (not completed yet)

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