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This is a lightweight jQuery/CSS extension to Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 that adds extra styles (classes) to the native Bootstrap tooltips.

Bootstrap bootstrap-4


Bootstrap Tooltip Custom Class

Extend Bootstrap Tooltip plugin by adding custom classes. Available for Bootstrap 3 and Boostrap 4.

Custom classes can be added using customClass parameter or via data-custom-class attribute.

There are 5 predefined custom classes in CSS: .tooltip-primary, .tooltip-success, .tooltip-info, .tooltip-warning, .tooltip-danger.

Bootstrap Tooltip Custom Class Preview


  • Use data-custom-class attribute:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-custom-class="tooltip-custom" title="Custom tooltip example">Tooltip example</button>


  • Use customClass parameter on plugin initialization:
$(function () {   $('.my-element').tooltip({     customClass: 'tooltip-custom'   }); });


Use the appropriate files according to Bootstrap version that you use.


Include bootstrap-tooltip-custom-class.css in your project or use the .scss file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-tooltip-custom-class.css" media="all" />


@import "bootstrap-tooltip-custom-class";

Use the mixin tooltip-custom to create styles for your custom tooltip:

.tooltip-custom {   @include tooltip-custom(#f2653c); }


Include the script after Bootstrap's main javascript file:

<script src="bootstrap.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap-tooltip-custom-class.js"></script>


  • Bootstrap v4 (Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta, Bootstrap v4.0.0, Bootstrap v4.1): Codepen
  • Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6: Codepen
  • Bootstrap 3: Codepen

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