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This is a powerful, beautiful, easy-to-use WYSIWYG rich text editor built with Bootstrap 4, Quill editor and SVG icons.

Bootstrap bootstrap-4 editor Rich-Text-Editor WYSIWYG-Editor


Bootstrap Quill Editor

A rich text editor based on Quill with custom Theme, Modules and Parchments. See Adding Quill to Your Build Pipeline for a detailed guide.

Themes and UI are customized to use Bootstrap and Material Design Icons (MDI).

Using Yarn, Webpack and SCSS

Note: Built on Quill 2.0


Install using yarn or npm and use it the same way as Quill

yarn add bootstrap-quill

See demo for configuration example.

Modules and extensions

The editor has extensions for @mentions, #hashtags and autolinks as well as integrated form support


yarn yarn build



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