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A highly customizable loading placeholder component for React Native.

Loading React Native


React Native Loading Placeholder npm version

A customizable loading placeholder component for React Native.


  • Highly customizable design
  • Async feature to resolve whole PlaceholderContainer content or just Placeholder elements.



npm install react-native-loading-placeholder


import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import {   PlaceholderContainer,   Placeholder } from 'react-native-loading-placeholder'; import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient';  export default class Test extends Component {   loadingComponent: Promise<React.Element<*>>;   loadingComponent1: Promise<*>;   constructor(props) {     super(props);   }   componentWillMount(): void {     this.loadingComponent = new Promise(resolve => {       setTimeout(() => {         resolve(           <View             style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}           >             <Text>Resolved</Text>           </View>         );       }, 6000);     });     this.loadingComponent1 = new Promise(resolve => {       setTimeout(() => {         resolve();       }, 8000);     });   }   render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <PlaceholderExample loader={this.loadingComponent} />         <PlaceholderExample1 loader={this.loadingComponent1} />       </View>     );   } }  const Gradient = (): React.Element<*> => {   return (     <LinearGradient       colors={['#eeeeee', '#dddddd', '#eeeeee']}       start={{ x: 1.0, y: 0.0 }}       end={{ x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }}       style={{         flex: 1,         width: 120       }}     />   ); };  const PlaceholderExample = ({   loader }: {   loader: Promise<*> }): React.Element<*> => {   return (     <PlaceholderContainer       style={styles.placeholderContainer}       animatedComponent={<Gradient />}       duration={1000}       delay={1000}       loader={loader}     >       <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>         <Placeholder style={[styles.placeholder, { width: 50, height: 50 }]} />         <View           style={{             flexDirection: 'column',             width: '100%',             alignItems: 'center',             justifyContent: 'center'           }}         >           <Placeholder             style={[               styles.placeholder,               {                 width: '50%',                 height: 10               }             ]}           />           <Placeholder             style={[               styles.placeholder,               {                 width: '35%',                 height: 7               }             ]}           />         </View>       </View>        <Placeholder         style={[styles.placeholder, { marginTop: 20, width: '80%' }]}       />       <Placeholder style={[styles.placeholder, { width: '90%' }]} />       <Placeholder style={[styles.placeholder, { width: '50%' }]} />     </PlaceholderContainer>   ); };  const PlaceholderExample1 = ({   loader }: {   loader: Promise<*> }): React.Element<*> => {   return (     <PlaceholderContainer       style={styles.placeholderContainer}       animatedComponent={<Gradient />}       duration={1000}       delay={1000}       loader={loader}       replace={true}     >       <View style={{ flexDirection: 'column' }}>         <View style={styles.row}>           <Text style={{ width: '20%', textAlign: 'center' }}>Name</Text>           <Placeholder             style={[               styles.placeholder,               {                 width: '50%',                 height: 10               }             ]}           >             <Text>John Doe</Text>           </Placeholder>          </View>          <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>           <View style={styles.row}>             <Text style={{ width: '20%', textAlign: 'center' }}>Age</Text>             <Placeholder               style={[                 styles.placeholder,                 {                   width: '15%',                   height: 10                 }               ]}             >               <Text>47</Text>             </Placeholder>           </View>         </View>       </View>     </PlaceholderContainer>   ); };  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     alignItems: 'center',     paddingTop: 25,     backgroundColor: '#f6f7f8'   },   placeholderContainer: {     width: '90%',     backgroundColor: '#fff',     height: 200   },   placeholder: {     height: 8,     marginTop: 6,     marginLeft: 15,     alignSelf: 'flex-start',     justifyContent: 'center',     backgroundColor: '#eeeeee'   },   row: {     flexDirection: 'row',     width: '100%'   } });


The package exposes the following components,

<PlaceholderContainer />

Container component responsible for orchestrating animations in placeholder components.


  • duration - Animated timing 'speed'
  • delay - Delay before starting next placeholder animation
  • style - Container style,
  • animatedComponent - Animated component (example: gradient component)
  • loader - Promise that resolves to React Component that is going to be displayed instead placeholders. Note: If replace props is set to true loader just need to resolve.
  • replace - Flag to indicate if placeholder elements are going to be replaced with its child elements on loader status resolved

<Placeholder />

Component that displays animated component


  • style - Object

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