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A very simple, highly customizable youtube-like react loader component.

Loading React



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  • using npm
npm install --save react-top-loading-bar
  • using yarn
yarn add react-top-loading-bar


With ref

import React, { Component } from 'react'  import LoadingBar from 'react-top-loading-bar'  export default class ExampleWithRefs extends Component {   render() {     return (       <div>         <LoadingBar           height={3}           color='#f11946'           onRef={ref => (this.LoadingBar = ref)}         />         <button onClick={() => this.LoadingBar.continousStart()}>           Start Continous Bar Loading         </button>         <button onClick={() => this.LoadingBar.staticStart()}>           Start Static Bar Loading         </button>         <button onClick={() => this.LoadingBar.complete()}>Complete</button>         <br />         <button onClick={() => this.LoadingBar.add(10)}>Add 10</button>         <button onClick={() => this.LoadingBar.add(10)}>Add 30</button>       </div>     )   } }

With state

import React, { Component } from 'react'  import LoadingBar from 'react-top-loading-bar'  export default class App extends Component {   state = {     loadingBarProgress: 0   }    add = value => {     this.setState({       loadingBarProgress: this.state.loadingBarProgress + value     })   }    complete = () => {     this.setState({ loadingBarProgress: 100 })   }    onLoaderFinished = () => {     this.setState({ loadingBarProgress: 0 })   }    render() {     return (       <div>         <LoadingBar           progress={this.state.loadingBarProgress}           height={3}           color='red'           onLoaderFinished={() => this.onLoaderFinished()}         />         <button onClick={() => this.add(10)}>Add 10</button>         <button onClick={() => this.add(30)}>Add 30</button>         <button onClick={() => this.complete()}>Complete</button>       </div>     )   } }


Click here for demo

Built-in Methods

Methods Parameters Descriptions
add(value) Number Adds a value to the loading indicator.
decrease(value) Number Decreases a value to the loading indicator.
continousStart(startingValue) Number (optional) Starts the loading indicator with a random starting value between 20-30, then repetitively after an interval of 1s increases it by a random value between 2-10. This continues until it reaches 90% of the indicator's width.
staticStart(startingValue) Number (optional) Starts the loading indicator with a random starting value between 30-50.
complete() Makes the loading indicator reach 100% of his width and then fade.


Property Type Default Description
progress Number 0 The progress/width indicator, progress prop varies from 0 to 100.
color String red The color of the loading bar, color take values like css property background-color: do, for example red, #000 rgb(255,0,0) etc.
background String The background css property of the bar. Can be used for gradients, images, etc.
height Number 3 The height of the loading bar in pixels.
className String You can provide a class you'd like to add to the loading bar to add some styles to it
onLoaderFinished Function This is called when the loading bar completes, reaches 100% of his width.
onProgressChange Function This is called each time loading bar value changes.
onRef Function This is used to access built in methods

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Code Style



MIT © Klendi Gocci

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