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Progressively load images. Loads a small thumbnail first. Includes fade and blur effects.

Loading React Native



🌁 ProgressiveImage, progressively load images with React Native.

npm license

Demo of ProgressiveImage.

Progressively load images. Loads a small thumbnail first. Includes fade and blur effects.


yarn add react-native-progressive-image


import ProgressiveImage from 'react-native-progressive-image'  const TheProgressiveImage = () =>   <ProgressiveImage     thumbnailSource={{ uri: 'http://i.imgur.com/O249H4P.png?bust' + Math.random() }}     imageSource={{ uri: 'http://i.imgur.com/741u15U.png?bust' + Math.random() }}     style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'stretch' }}   />


Prop Description Default
imageSource Image source (e.g. { uri: 'https://facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png' }). None
thumbnailSource Should be a low resolution version of the image used in imageSource. None
thumbnailBlurRadius Blur radius for the low resolution thumbnail (iOS only). 5
style Make sure to include width and height, or use flex. None
imageFadeDuration Fade-in duration for the image in ms. 250
thumbnailFadeDuration Fade-in duration for the thumbnail in ms. 250
onLoadThumbnail Callback function that gets called when the thumbnail is loaded. noop
onLoadImage Callback function that gets called when the main image is loaded. noop


Based on Sharath Prabhal's blog post.

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