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React Native component for creating animated, circular progress. Useful for displaying users points for example.

Example app



  1. Install this component and react-native-svg:

    npm i --save react-native-circular-progress react-native-svg

  2. Link native code for SVG:

    react-native link react-native-svg


import { AnimatedCircularProgress } from 'react-native-circular-progress';  <AnimatedCircularProgress   size={120}   width={15}   fill={100}   tintColor="#00e0ff"   onAnimationComplete={() => console.log('onAnimationComplete')}   backgroundColor="#3d5875" />

You can also define a function that'll receive current progress and for example display it inside the circle:

<AnimatedCircularProgress   size={200}   width={3}   fill={this.state.fill}   tintColor="#00e0ff"   backgroundColor="#3d5875">   {     (fill) => (       <Text>         { this.state.fill }       </Text>     )   } </AnimatedCircularProgress>

Finally, you can manually trigger a duration-based timing animation by putting a ref on the component and calling the animate(toValue, duration, easing) function like so:

<AnimatedCircularProgress   ref={(ref) => this.circularProgress = ref}   ... />
this.circularProgress.animate(100, 8000, Easing.quad); // Will fill the progress bar linearly in 8 seconds

The animate-function returns the timing animation so you can chain, run in parallel etc.


You can configure the CircularProgress-component by passing the following props:

Name Type Default value Description
size number|Animated.Value required Width and height of circle
width number required Thickness of the progress line
backgroundWidth number width Thickness of background circle
fill number (0-100) 0 Current progress / fill
tintColor string black Color of the progress line
backgroundColor string If unspecified, no background line will be rendered
rotation number (-360 - 360) 90 Angle from which the progress starts from
lineCap string butt Shape used at ends of progress line. Possible values: butt, round, square
arcSweepAngle number (0-360) 360 If you don't want a full circle, specify the arc angle
style ViewPropTypes.style Extra styling for the main container
children function Pass a function as a child. It receiveds the current fill-value as an argument
childrenContainerStyle ViewPropTypes.style Extra styling for the children container

The following props can further be used on AnimatedCircularProgress:

Name Type Default value Description
prefill number (0-100) 0 Initial fill-value before animation starts
duration number 500 Duration of animation in ms
easing function Easing.out(Easing.ease) Animation easing function
onAnimationComplete function Function that's invoked when the animation completes (both on mount and if called with .animate())

AnimatedCircularProgress also exposes the following functions:

Name Arguments Description
animate (toVal: number, duration: number, ease: function) Animate the progress bar to a specific value
reAnimate (prefill: number, toVal: number, duration: number, ease: function) Re-run animation with a specified prefill-value

Running example app (Expo)

git clone https://github.com/bgryszko/react-native-circular-progress.git cd react-native-circular-progress/example yarn yarn start


  • Bartosz Gryszko ([email protected])
  • Markus Lindqvist
  • Jacob Lauritzen
  • Special thanks to all contributors!



Special thanks

Special thanks to Chalk+Chisel for creating working environment where people grow. This component was created for one of the projects we're working on.

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