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Custom header refresh components for React Native that supports both iOS and Android.

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A simple support ios and android platform custom header refresh components(RN >= 0.43)

npm i react-native-refreshflatlist --save react-native link react-native-refreshflatlist 


  • ScreenShot

  • ViewType
// ScrollView _renderItem = (isTriggerPressFn) => { 	return ( 	  <View style={{width: width, height: 100}} > 	    <Text>{'Customer ScrollView'} </Text> 	  </View> 	) }  // ListView _renderItem = (isTriggerPressFn, data) => {     return (       <View style={{width: width, height: 100}} >         <Text>{'Customer ListVeiw' + item.title} </Text>       </View>     )   } 


git clone https://github.com/naivehhr/react-native-refreshflatlist.git cd react-native-refreshflatlist/example && npm install  


export default class FlatListTest extends Component {   constructor() {     super()     this.state = {       headerHeight: 100,       refreshing: false,       _data: [],       footerMsg: ''     }   }   componentDidMount() {     this.setState({_data: [1,2,3,4]})   }    _onRefreshFun = () => {     this.setState({refreshing: true})     setTimeout(() => {       this.setState({refreshing: false})     },2000)   }    onPress(isTriggerPressFn) {     //isTriggerPressFn Only in Android Settings.     if (isTriggerPressFn()) {       Alert.alert('onPress')     }   }    _renderItem = (isTriggerPressFn, data) => {     return (       <View style={{ width: width, height: 100 }} >         <Text>{'The Customer ListView'} </Text>         <Button onPress={this.onPress.bind(this, isTriggerPressFn)} title={'btn'} />       </View>     )   }       	/**     * refreshState: 0: pullToRefresh; 1: releaseToRefresh; 2: refreshing; 3: refreshdown     * percent:     */   _customerHeader = (refreshState, percent) => {     const { headerHeight, msg } = this.state     switch (refreshState) {       case RefreshState.pullToRefresh:         return (           <Animated.View style={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', width: width, height: headerHeight, backgroundColor: 'red'}} >             <Text>{ 'pull to refresh' + percent }</Text>           </Animated.View>         )       case RefreshState.releaseToRefresh:         return (           <Animated.View style={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', width: width, height: headerHeight, backgroundColor: 'red'}} >             <Text>{ 'release to refresh' + percent }</Text>           </Animated.View>         )       case RefreshState.refreshing:         return (           <Animated.View style={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', width: width, height: headerHeight, backgroundColor: 'red'}} >             <Text>{ 'refreshing....' + percent }</Text>           </Animated.View>         )       case RefreshState.refreshdown:         return (           <Animated.View style={{ flexDirection: 'row',height: headerHeight, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: 'red',}}>             <Text>{ 'refresh complete' }</Text>           </Animated.View>         )       default:         return (           <View style={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', height: headerHeight, width: width}}>             <Text>{ percent }</Text>           </View>         )     }   }    _listFooterComponent = () => {     return (       <View style={{ flex:1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center',width: width, height: 30, backgroundColor: 'red'}} >          <Text style={{textAlign: 'center',}}> { this.state.footerMsg } </Text>       </View>     )   }    _onEndReached = () => {   }    render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <RefreshFlatList           data={this.state._data}           refreshing={this.state.refreshing}           onRefreshFun={this._onRefreshFun}           onEndReached={this._onEndReached}           customRefreshView={this._customerHeader}           listFooterComponent={this._listFooterComponent}           renderItem={this._renderItem}           viewType={ViewType.ListView}         />       </View>     );   } } 


Prop Type Optional Default Description Platform
...ListView.propTypes doc
customRefreshView func Yes DefaultView 自定义头部组件 all
onRefreshFun func Yes DefaultTestFun 触发刷新调用的方法 all
onEndReached func Yes DefaultTestFun 触发加载调用的方法 all
isTriggerPressFn func Yes return true 列表滑动中,判断是否应响应触摸点的点击事件(button的onPress事件);只有回到原点才会触发 android
isRefreshing boolean false all
viewType object Yes ScrollView ScrollView, ListView all

注: 本组件Android手势模块基于 react-native-smart-pull-to-refresh-listview



  • 升级RN至0.45.1
  • 集成React Navigation
  • 更改ScrollView为FlatList实现
  • 更新example


  • 代码结构
  • 优化性能
  • ScrollView下刷新 => render整个页面


  • 更改android手势触发逻辑


  • 修复一些情况下Android平台滑动列表时触发子元素点击事件的问题


  • 升级至RN0.51


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